
London 2020


Learn more about Samantha

Pokes PodCAS

Samantha Homann

Double Major: English, German


Samantha Homann will complete her double degree in English Literature and German in December 2019 alongside an honor’s degree. During her time with the College of Arts and Sciences, she served as the Activities Chair for the CAS Student Council, President of the OSU German Club and an Ambassador. Homann also works for CAS on their Outreach and Communications team as a web design intern. Her involvement within the college has led to her being awarded CAS Top Ten Senior for 2019 and being a top five finalist in the OSU Student Employee Awards.

CAS has provided her a myriad of opportunities to grow and develop both academically and professionally. Through her job with CAS, she has been learned new skills, like designing website pages, creating and disseminating a newsletter and developing web content for social media. Her classes have exposed her to new ideas and pushed her to cultivate her own while giving her an amazing support system. Both of her departments have yielded wonderful mentors, who encourage her to take her learning beyond the classroom. Without the guidance and passion of the faculty and staff of the College of Arts and Sciences, she would not have fully discovered her potential and love for academia. Homann credits the College of Arts and Sciences for providing her with countless leadership opportunities and the chance to serve her community, both of which will benefit her in whatever field she decides to pursue.