Online Learning


- Synchronous

A - Analytical and Quantitative Thought
D - Diversity
H - Humanities
I - Contemporary International Culture

L - Scientific Investigation
N - Natural Science
S - Social and Behavioral Sciences
NW - Non-Western

Fall 2025 Online Courses
Subject Course CRN Description Credit Enrolled Seats Remaining Synchronous
August 04, 2025–August 15, 2025
GEOG 1713 64851 Regions & Nations in Global Context (GS) 3 2 43
GLST 1713 64952 Regions & Nations in Global Context (GS) 3 0 30
August 18, 2025–September 26, 2025
A&S 4111 62745 Job Search Strategies 1 0 37
August 18, 2025–October 10, 2025
ENGL 1113 66593 Composition I 3 0 20
ENGL 1113 66595 Composition I 3 0 20
GEOG 1713 65334 Regions & Nations in Global Context (GS) 3 2 28
GEOL 3513 64647 Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Disasters (N) 3 15 135
GLST 1713 65335 Regions & Nations in Global Context (GS) 3 0 15
GWST 2123 70887 Introduction to Gender Studies (DH) 3 1 49
MUSI 3583 65759 Traditional World Music (H) 3 0 45
PHIL 1213 70549 Philosophies of Life (H) 3 6 44
POLS 1113 65786 American Government 3 9 36
POLS 1113 71039 American Government 3 1 44
PSYC 1111 62665 Succeeding in Psychology 1 17 28
PSYC 1113 65583 Introductory Psychology (S) 3 7 18
PSYC 4143 67300 Psychology and Law 3 0 0
PSYC 4163 67302 Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination (D) 3 1 24
SOC 1113 67285 Introductory Sociology (S) 3 5 25
SOC 4383 67020 Social Stratification (S) 3 5 25
TH 2413 65906 Introduction to Staged Entertainment (H) 3 2 43
August 18, 2025–December 05, 2025
AFAM 1113 64867 Introduction to Africana Studies (DH) 3 0 55
AMST 2103 61075 Introduction to American Studies (DH) 3 4 77
AMST 2103 64431 Introduction to American Studies (DH) 3 0 50
AMST 2423 70519 American Popular Culture (H) 3 1 29
AMST 3223 67762 Theories and Methods of American Studies 3 0 45
AMST 3823 71045 U.S. as Business Culture (DH) 3 3 27
AMST 3950 71046 America in the 21st Century 3 0 0
ANTH 2353 67532 Introduction to Biological Anthropology (N) 3 2 38
ANTH 2883 62833 Introduction to Archaeology (S) 3 4 36
ANTH 4443 64643 Oklahoma Archeology (S) 3 1 39
ART 1103 65709 Drawing I 3 2 38
ART 1503 68770 Art History Survey to 1400 (H) 3 2 48
ART 1513 63824 Art History Survey Since 1400 (H) 3 3 47
ART 1603 64827 Introduction to Global Art (H) 3 1 49
ART 3643 66237 History of Graphic Design 3 4 51
ART 3693 70689 Survey of Asian Art (H) 3 2 48
ART 5423 70842 Graduate Study in Graphic Design History 3 2 3
BIOL 3023 64966 General Genetics 3 17 18
BIOL 3163 67594 Environmental Biology 3 11 54
BIOL 4133 66219 Evolution 3 1 23
CDIS 3113 66483 Communication Disorders in Children 3 4 61
CDIS 3203 63178 Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism 3 9 40
CDIS 3313 64982 Phonetics 3 0 24
CDIS 4133 67210 Audiology Treatment 3 7 17
CHEM 1014 63348 Chemistry In Civilization (LN) 4 2 48
CHEM 3013 67960 Survey of Organic Chemistry 3 25 25
CS 1003 63433 Computer Proficiency 3 3 67
CS 1103 64100 Computer Programming (Q) 3 2 33
CS 1113 64828 Computer Science I (Q) 3 1 21
CS 2133 64857 Computer Science II 3 0 24
CS 2433 63914 C/C++ Programming 3 4 38
CS 3353 64859 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis I 3 9 49
CS 3443 64830 Computer Systems 3 3 31
CS 3513 65612 Numerical Methods for Digital Computers 3 4 51
CS 3653 64832 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science 3 3 38
CS 4173 64887 Video Game Development 3 4 50
CS 4273 64938 Software Engineering 3 0 22
CS 5163 64964 Video Game Development 3 0 43
CS 5473 65060 Software Engineering 3 0 23
ENGL 1113 61085 Composition I 3 0 15
ENGL 1113 64370 Composition I 3 0 20
ENGL 1113 65607 Composition I 3 1 19
ENGL 1113 70252 Composition I 3 0 20
ENGL 1213 63512 Composition II 3 5 15
ENGL 1213 63513 Composition II 3 2 18
ENGL 1213 66427 Composition II 3 2 18
ENGL 1213 66666 Composition II 3 0 20
ENGL 1213 70264 Composition II 3 2 18
ENGL 2413 62652 Exploring Literature (DH) 3 2 28
ENGL 2513 62653 Introduction to Creative Writing (H) 3 2 19
ENGL 2883 63511 Survey of American Literature II (DH) 3 3 27
ENGL 3323 60744 Technical Writing 3 12 7
ENGL 3323 61751 Technical Writing 3 4 15
ENGL 3323 62654 Technical Writing 3 0 19
ENGL 3323 63514 Technical Writing 3 1 18
ENGL 3343 70958 Reading Poetry 3 0 27
GEOG 1113 62655 Introduction to Cultural Geography (GS) 3 5 65
GEOG 1114 66544 Introduction to Physical Geography (LN) 4 7 43
GEOG 3373 66556 Health and Maps 3 1 44
GEOG 3703 68118 Geography Of Oklahoma (S) 3 6 39
GEOG 3723 65671 Europe (GS) 3 0 35
GEOG 4203 64229 Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems 3 3 32
GEOG 4353 67758 Geographic Information Systems: Socioeconomic Applications 3 2 33
GEOG 5103 64792 Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems 3 2 8
GEOG 5253 67760 Geographic Information Systems: Socioeconomic Applications 3 1 9
GEOL 1014 67646 Geology and Human Affairs (LN) 4 27 273
GEOL 1114 70478 Physical Geology (LN) 4 9 141
GEOL 1224 62923 Evolution of the Earth (LN) 4 7 93
GEOL 2013 68968 Geology of the National Parks (N) 3 8 92
GEOL 2773 70486 Introduction to Planetary Geology (N) 3 1 44
GEOL 4503 63625 Introduction to Oceanography (N) 3 1 44
GLST 3723 65673 Europe (GS) 3 1 14
GRMN 1713 63324 Elementary German I (F) 3 0 31
GWST 2123 62924 Introduction to Gender Studies (DH) 3 2 48
HIST 1103 62671 Survey of American History 3 6 74
HIST 1103 63169 Survey of American History 3 9 71
HIST 1103 63460 Survey of American History 3 0 80
HIST 1493 66263 American History Since 1865 (DH) 3 11 35
HIST 2023 69521 History of the Present (H) 3 8 37
HIST 3333 66262 History of the Second World War (GH) 3 12 70
HIST 3333 66659 History of the Second World War (GH) 3 0 60
HIST 3343 63170 World War I in Modern European Culture (GH) 3 1 49
HIST 3693 68789 The Modern West (H) 3 3 32
HIST 3793 69587 Native American History (DH) 3 6 29
LL 2503 64518 French Culinary Staples (G) 3 2 43
MATH 1483 62705 Mathematical Functions and Their Uses (Q) 3 0 40
MATH 1513 62657 College Algebra (Q) 3 1 39
MATH 1813 64176 Preparation for Calculus (Q) 3 2 23
MATH 2144 71028 Calculus I (Q) 4 9 21
MATH 2163 71029 Calculus III 3 11 9
MATH 2233 71412 Differential Equations 3 0 40
MC 5333 70918 Media Theory 3 1 44
MC 5651 63390 Introduction to Graduate Study in Mass Communications 1 0 30
MICR 2123 62658 Introduction to Microbiology 3 33 147
MICR 3033 62762 Cell and Molecular Biology 3 36 114
MICR 3103 70077 Microbes: Friends or Foes (N) 3 2 43
MICR 3223 66446 Advanced Microbiology 3 7 43
MICR 3253 70994 Immunology 3 10 0
MICR 3553 69624 Foundations of Cancer 3 14 43
MICR 4003 63328 Brewing Microbiology (N) 3 0 0
MICR 4253 65736 Concepts in Medical Genetics 3 6 49
MICR 4423 64997 Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance 3 10 90
MICR 5423 65017 Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance 3 0 15
MICR 5553 69625 Foundations of Cancer 3 0 15
MUSI 2573 62659 Introduction to Music (H) 3 4 79
MUSI 2603 67631 Film Music 3 4 56
MUSI 2783 62660 American Popular Music (H) 3 5 96
MUSI 3573 62661 America's Ethnic Music (DH) 3 12 71
MUSI 3583 63372 Traditional World Music (H) 3 4 91
MUSI 3593 66082 Video Game Music 3 10 60
PBIO 3263 65468 Plants and People (N) 3 2 38
PHIL 1113 70395 Introduction To Philosophy (H) 3 1 49
PHIL 1213 61584 Philosophies of Life (H) 3 2 48
PHIL 1313 61750 Logic and Critical Thinking (Q) 3 5 45
PHIL 3433 70416 Happiness & Well-being (H) 3 7 43
PHIL 3623 62663 Philosophy of Race (DH) 3 9 41
PHIL 3783 68468 Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (H) 3 15 35
PHIL 3793 70445 Philosophies of Love & Sex (H) 3 4 46
PHYS 3553 69628 Foundations of Cancer 3 0 20
PHYS 5553 69630 Foundations of Cancer 3 0 15
POLS 1113 68698 American Government 3 4 41
POLS 1113 69770 American Government 3 0 45
POLS 1113 71032 American Government 3 1 44
POLS 1113 71036 American Government 3 6 39
POLS 1113 71037 American Government 3 0 0
POLS 1113 71038 American Government 3 1 44
POLS 2113 62699 Introduction to Comparative Politics (GS) 3 5 40
POLS 2213 66083 Fundamentals of Political Science 3 1 44
POLS 3963 69522 State Courts and the Bar 3 0 0
PSYC 2313 64885 Psychology of Adjustment 3 4 26
PSYC 2443 68801 Clinical Child Psychology 3 5 25
PSYC 2443 70523 Clinical Child Psychology 3 6 24
PSYC 2583 62664 Developmental Psychology (S) 3 5 30
PSYC 2583 67662 Developmental Psychology (S) 3 3 27
PSYC 2593 61675 Psychology of Human Sexuality 3 0 30
PSYC 2593 66318 Psychology of Human Sexuality 3 0 30
PSYC 3013 67296 Psychology of Motivation 3 23 7
PSYC 3033 68839 Psychology of Humor (S) 3 17 8
PSYC 3173 68836 Introduction to Cognitive Science (N) 3 0 0
PSYC 3214 61683 Statistical Methods in Psychology 4 0 20
PSYC 3214 65497 Statistical Methods in Psychology 4 6 14
PSYC 3443 61685 Psychopathology (S) 3 15 15
PSYC 3443 70101 Psychopathology (S) 3 1 29
PSYC 3883 70749 Positive Psychology 3 9 11
PSYC 3914 65401 Experimental Psychology: Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology 4 4 16
PSYC 3914 66312 Experimental Psychology: Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology 4 3 17
PSYC 3914 66313 Experimental Psychology: Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology 4 0 0
PSYC 4013 71043 Introduction to Pediatric Psychology 3 0 0
PSYC 4123 65378 Psychology of Women (DS) 3 6 19
PSYC 4153 66481 Psychology and Mass Media 3 2 23
PSYC 4483 70526 Psychology of Parent Behavior (S) 3 11 9
REL 1103 64490 Introduction to World Religions (GH) 3 8 32
REL 1103 64668 Introduction to World Religions (GH) 3 0 0
REL 1103 64855 Introduction to World Religions (GH) 3 8 32
SC 4520 64425 Information Graphics 3 1 20
SOC 1113 62836 Introductory Sociology (S) 3 4 26
SOC 2113 64904 Introduction to Criminal Justice (S) 3 4 26
SOC 2243 70943 Sociology of Drugs 3 1 29
SOC 3113 66284 Theoretical Thinking in Sociology 3 6 14
SOC 3153 65880 Sociology of Sport (S) 3 10 30
SOC 3523 70725 Juvenile Delinquency (DS) 3 17 13
SOC 4033 61370 Comparative Perspectives of Criminal Justice Systems (GS) 3 5 30
SOC 4133 67288 Social Research Methods 3 0 20
SOC 4213 67290 Sociology of Sexualities (S) 3 3 37
SOC 4243 70925 Quantitative Methods in Sociology 3 0 5
SOC 4733 67443 Criminal Behavior Analysis 3 6 29
SOC 4923 70421 Sociology of Punishment (S) 3 5 25
SPAN 1713 63321 Elementary Spanish I (F) 3 4 20
SPAN 1813 63322 Elementary Spanish II (F) 3 4 30
SPAN 2713 64380 Intermediate Spanish (F) 3 3 27
SPCH 2713 62942 Introduction to Speech Communication (S) 3 5 14
SPCH 2713 64797 Introduction to Speech Communication (S) 3 5 26
SPCH 2713 64798 Introduction to Speech Communication (S) 3 1 30
SPCH 4753 67608 Intercultural Communication (G) 3 2 23
SPM 1883 65696 Introduction to eSports 3 0 51
STAT 2013 63411 Elementary Statistics (Q) 3 5 45
STAT 2013 63437 Elementary Statistics (Q) 3 3 47
STAT 2013 64651 Elementary Statistics (Q) 3 8 42
STAT 2023 62667 Elementary Statistics for Business and Economics (Q) 3 5 45
STAT 2023 66084 Elementary Statistics for Business and Economics (Q) 3 3 47
STAT 4033 63927 Engineering Statistics 3 6 54
STAT 4203 62837 Mathematical Statistics I 3 2 27
STAT 5013 62668 Statistics for Experimenters I 3 0 33
STAT 5033 64896 Nonparametric Methods 3 1 28
STAT 5053 64228 Time Series Analysis 3 2 43
STAT 5193 69671 SAS and R Programming 3 0 45
STAT 5253 64795 Mathematical Statistics I 3 0 29
STAT 5303 62669 Experimental Designs 3 0 25
STAT 5543 64796 Applied Regression Analysis 3 1 28
September 15, 2025–December 05, 2025
GEOG 3763 71289 Africa (GS) 3 3 27
GEOG 4223 64791 Geography of Music (H) 3 0 48
GLST 3763 71290 Africa (GS) 3 0 15
September 22, 2025–December 05, 2025
GEOG 1113 62922 Introduction to Cultural Geography (GS) 3 0 60
October 13, 2025–December 05, 2025
AFAM 2223 68829 Movements of the Black Diaspora (G) 3 3 32
CDIS 1013 68020 Brain Works (N) 3 26 74
ENGL 1213 66594 Composition II 3 0 20
ENGL 1213 66596 Composition II 3 1 19
ENGL 2413 68304 Exploring Literature (DH) 3 0 30
GEOG 1113 65662 Introduction to Cultural Geography (GS) 3 2 68
GEOG 3033 64810 Meteorology (N) 3 6 54
GEOG 3153 65723 Conservation of Natural Resources (S) 3 4 61
GEOG 3713 68752 Exploring North America and Diversity (DS) 3 1 29
GEOG 4003 64618 Natural Hazards and Society 3 0 45
GEOL 3513 64646 Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Disasters (N) 3 7 143
GLST 3713 68753 Exploring North America and Diversity (DS) 3 1 14
GWST 2123 64491 Introduction to Gender Studies (DH) 3 1 47
GWST 2123 70892 Introduction to Gender Studies (DH) 3 0 50
HIST 1493 66264 American History Since 1865 (DH) 3 2 43
HIST 3343 69520 World War I in Modern European Culture (GH) 3 1 44
JAZZ 2773 63268 History of Jazz (H) 3 1 92
LL 1123 71159 The Origins of Modern Ukraine: Culture and State (GH) 3 0 45
MICR 4003 68028 Brewing Microbiology (N) 3 0 0
MUSI 2573 64677 Introduction to Music (H) 3 7 113
MUSI 2573 64970 Introduction to Music (H) 3 3 82
MUSI 2763 64678 History of Rock and Roll (H) 3 14 106
MUSI 3583 65313 Traditional World Music (H) 3 0 61
PBIO 3273 64672 Medical Botany (N) 3 4 61
PHIL 1213 70453 Philosophies of Life (H) 3 0 50
PHIL 2043 63509 Philosophy of Film (H) 3 2 73
POLS 1113 67949 American Government 3 4 41
PSYC 1111 64385 Succeeding in Psychology 1 1 44
PSYC 1111 65752 Succeeding in Psychology 1 1 44
PSYC 1113 65585 Introductory Psychology (S) 3 6 34
PSYC 4143 67353 Psychology and Law 3 11 14
PSYC 4283 67304 Health Psychology 3 11 14
REL 1103 66281 Introduction to World Religions (GH) 3 3 37
REL 1103 68124 Introduction to World Religions (GH) 3 3 37
SOC 1113 64673 Introductory Sociology (S) 3 1 29
SOC 2123 66210 Social Problems (DS) 3 1 29
SOC 4043 66337 Gender and Work (DS) 3 2 38
SPCH 2713 66834 Introduction to Speech Communication (S) 3 5 25
SPCH 4763 69381 Organizational Communication 3 0 25
STAT 2013 65700 Elementary Statistics (Q) 3 3 62
TH 2413 62670 Introduction to Staged Entertainment (H) 3 0 65
October 27, 2025–December 05, 2025
A&S 2111 63687 Career Exploration 1 1 29
November 17, 2025–December 05, 2025
JAZZ 2773 64979 History of Jazz (H) 3 0 93


213 Life Sciences East
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078