Dual Gen Ed Courses


- Online

- Synchronous

A - Analytical and Quantitative Thought
D - Diversity
H - Humanities
I - Contemporary International Culture

L - Scientific Investigation
N - Natural Science
S - Social and Behavioral Sciences
NW - Non-Western

Fall 2025 Dual Gen-Ed Courses
Subject Course CRN Description Enrolled Seats Remaining Online
July 21, 2025–August 15, 2025
GEOG 1713 64851 Regions & Nations in Global Context (GS) 0 45
GLST 1713 64952 Regions & Nations in Global Context (GS) 0 30
August 18, 2025–October 10, 2025
GWST 2123 68220 Introduction to Gender Studies (DH) 0 45
GEOG 1713 65334 Regions & Nations in Global Context (GS) 0 30
GLST 1713 65335 Regions & Nations in Global Context (GS) 0 15
August 18, 2025–December 05, 2025
AFAM 1113 64867 Introduction to Africana Studies (DH) 0 50
AFAM 1113 66060 Introduction to Africana Studies (DH) 0 40
AFAM 2423 66061 Black Popular Culture (DH) 0 50
AFAM 2523 68830 Black Political Thought (DH) 0 35
AFAM 3753 67726 African American Arts and Culture (DH) 0 35
AMST 2103 60161 Introduction to American Studies (DH) 0 13
AMST 2103 60164 Introduction to American Studies (DH) 0 12
AMST 2103 61075 Introduction to American Studies (DH) 0 81
AMST 2103 64431 Introduction to American Studies (DH) 0 50
AMST 3653 69984 The Body in American Culture (DH) 0 45
ENGL 2413 60672 Exploring Literature (DH) 0 30
ENGL 2413 60678 Exploring Literature (DH) 0 30
ENGL 2413 60691 Exploring Literature (DH) 0 30
ENGL 2413 60692 Exploring Literature (DH) 0 22
ENGL 2413 60765 Exploring Literature: Honors (DH) 0 22
ENGL 2413 60766 Exploring Literature: Honors (DH) 0 22
ENGL 2413 60767 Exploring Literature: Honors (DH) 0 22
ENGL 2413 62652 Exploring Literature (DH) 0 30
ENGL 2883 63511 Survey of American Literature II (DH) 0 30
ENGL 2883 67165 Survey of American Literature II (DH) 0 30
GWST 2123 60963 Introduction to Gender Studies (DH) 0 30
GWST 2123 62924 Introduction to Gender Studies (DH) 0 50
GWST 2123 63373 Introduction to Gender Studies (DH) 0 30
GWST 2123 69313 Introduction to Gender Studies (DH) 0 30
HIST 1493 64154 American History Since 1865 (DH) 0 110
HIST 1493 64334 American History Since 1865 (DH) 0 100
HIST 1493 64835 American History Since 1865 (DH) 0 210
HIST 1493 64989 American History Since 1865 (DH) 0 160
HIST 1493 65024 American History Since 1865 (DH) 0 150
HIST 1493 65754 American History Since 1865 (DH) 0 210
HIST 1493 65851 American History Since 1865 (DH) 0 85
HIST 1493 66263 American History Since 1865 (DH) 0 46
HIST 1493 68772 American History Since 1865 (DH) 0 55
HIST 1493 69452 American History Since 1865 (DH) 0 160
HIST 1493 70049 American History Since 1865 (DH) 0 45
HIST 1493 70387 American History Since 1865 (DH) 0 200
HIST 1493 70388 American History Since 1865 (DH) 0 165
HIST 3793 69587 Native American History (DH) (NW) 0 35
HIST 4363 70468 US History through the Lenses of Popular and Unpopular Music (DH) 0 35
HIST 4553 62698 Gender in America (DH) 0 40
MUSI 3573 62661 America's Ethnic Music (DH) 0 83
PHIL 3623 62663 Philosophy of Race (DH) 0 50
REL 3543 65363 Religion, Race and Social Justice (DH) 0 34
REL 3573 70541 The Religions of Native Americans (DH) (NW) 0 32
TH 3633 61481 Diverse American Drama (DH) 0 20
MC 1143 63173 Media in a Diverse Society (DS) 0 142
MC 1143 63921 Media in a Diverse Society: Honors (DS) 0 22
PSYC 4123 65378 Psychology of Women (DS) 0 28
SOC 2123 61364 Social Problems (DS) 0 50
SOC 2123 61366 Social Problems (DS) 0 48
SOC 3133 61368 Racial and Ethnic Relations (DS) 0 47
SOC 3523 67791 Juvenile Delinquency (DS) 0 80
SOC 3993 66296 Sociology of Aging (DS) 0 45
ART 3683 67064 History of 20th Century Art (GH) 0 45
ENGL 2963 63731 Survey of Postcolonial and Indigenous Literatures (GH) (NW) 0 30
HIST 3083 68778 Modern Italy: Cultural Patrimony and National Identity (GH) 0 35
HIST 3333 66262 History of the Second World War (GH) 0 82
HIST 3333 66659 History of the Second World War (GH) 0 60
HIST 3343 63170 World War I in Modern European Culture (GH) 0 50
HIST 3513 70386 Modern Middle East (GH) (NW) 0 35
LL 1113 64516 The World Through Film (GH) 0 75
LL 1113 68595 The World Through Film (GH) 0 68
PHIL 2413 70411 Global Ethics (GH) 0 40
PHIL 3943 66947 Asian Philosophy (GH) (NW) 0 40
REL 1103 61658 Introduction to World Religions (GH) (NW) 0 125
REL 1103 61659 Introduction to World Religions (GH) (NW) 0 145
REL 1103 61660 Introduction to World Religions (GH) (NW) 0 114
REL 1103 64348 Introduction to World Religions (GH) (NW) 0 45
REL 1103 64490 Introduction to World Religions (GH) (NW) 0 45
REL 1103 64668 Introduction to World Religions (GH) (NW) 0 0
REL 1103 64769 Introduction to World Religions (GH) (NW) 0 70
REL 1103 64854 Introduction to World Religions (GH) (NW) 0 115
REL 1103 64855 Introduction to World Religions (GH) (NW) 0 45
REL 1103 65715 Introduction to World Religions (GH) (NW) 0 45
REL 1103 65717 Introduction to World Religions (GH) (NW) 0 65
REL 1103 67003 Introduction to World Religions (GH) (NW) 0 45
REL 1103 67004 Honors: Introduction to World Religions (GH) (NW) 0 22
REL 1103 67665 Introduction to World Religions (GH) (NW) 0 60
REL 1103 70003 Introduction to World Religions: Honors (GH) (NW) 0 22
REL 1103 70087 Introduction to World Religions (GH) (NW) 0 45
REL 3313 66044 Islam: History, Culture and Beliefs (GH) 0 35
ANTH 3353 68383 Cultural Anthropology (GS) 0 45
GEOG 1113 60795 Introduction to Cultural Geography (GS) 0 72
GEOG 1113 60797 Introduction to Cultural Geography (GS) 0 75
GEOG 1113 60798 Introduction to Cultural Geography (GS) 0 84
GEOG 1113 60799 Introduction to Cultural Geography (GS) 0 40
GEOG 1113 62655 Introduction to Cultural Geography (GS) 0 70
GEOG 1113 62959 Introduction to Cultural Geography (GS) 0 56
GEOG 1113 64994 Introduction to Cultural Geography (GS) 0 80
GEOG 1713 62143 Regions & Nations in Global Context (GS) 0 20
GEOG 3133 70546 Political Geography (GS) 0 25
GEOG 3723 65671 Europe (GS) 0 35
GEOG 3793 68691 Australia and the Pacific Realm (GS) 0 20
GLST 1713 63456 Regions & Nations in Global Context (GS) 0 9
GLST 3723 65673 Europe (GS) 0 15
GLST 3793 68692 Australia and the Pacific Realm (GS) 0 15
POLS 2113 62699 Introduction to Comparative Politics (GS) 0 50
POLS 3193 68530 Latin American Politics (GS) 0 30
SOC 4033 61370 Comparative Perspectives of Criminal Justice Systems (GS) 0 35
September 22, 2025–December 05, 2025
GEOG 1113 62922 Introduction to Cultural Geography (GS) 0 60
October 13, 2025–December 05, 2025
AFAM 1113 68825 Introduction to Africana Studies (DH) 0 45
ENGL 2413 68304 Exploring Literature (DH) 0 30
GWST 2123 64491 Introduction to Gender Studies (DH) 0 48
GWST 2123 68305 Introduction to Gender Studies (DH) 0 45
HIST 1493 66264 American History Since 1865 (DH) 0 45
GEOG 3713 68752 Exploring North America and Diversity (DS) 0 30
GLST 3713 68753 Exploring North America and Diversity (DS) 0 15
MC 1143 64903 Media in a Diverse Society (DS) 0 78
SOC 2123 66210 Social Problems (DS) 0 30
SOC 4043 66337 Gender and Work (DS) 0 40
HIST 3343 69520 World War I in Modern European Culture (GH) 0 45
REL 1103 66281 Introduction to World Religions (GH) (NW) 0 45
REL 1103 68124 Introduction to World Religions (GH) (NW) 0 45
GEOG 1113 65662 Introduction to Cultural Geography (GS) 0 70

For more online options, please visit the CAS online course page.


213 Life Sciences East
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078
