CAS News

Borland to present on folding medieval almanacs

f jenniferOklahoma State University Professor of Art, Dr. Jennifer Borland, will present recent research into medieval folding almanacs as part of the Art History Roundtable Series at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 3, in Room 104 of the Bartlett Center. The presentation is open to the public.

The presentation, titled "Manipulative Medicine: Handling Physician's Folding Almanacs," will report on Borland's research in to a unique form of medieval manuscript. Commonly found containing medical charts and information, such manuscripts fit a surprising amount of information in to a compact package of a few pages, folded and arranged so that the reader can only open one folio at a time.

Joining the OSU faculty in 2007 after receiving her PhD in Art History from Stanford, Borland is an art historian who specializes in medieval Europe and the Middle East. Her research interests include medical and scientific imagery, medievalism and collecting, materialism, and representations of gender. Borland is a founding member of the Material Collective, an organization that seeks to expand academic opportunities and research for art history.

The research project behind this presentation was funded through a grant by the Oklahoma Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities.