CAS News

Students from Nanjing University visit Stillwater

IMG 0465Every year, a select group of students from the Kuang Yaming Honors School at Nanjing University in Nanjing, China, are sent to Duke University in North Carolina for an international study program for a few weeks. 

This year, the group decided to add a few days in Stillwater to their itinerary.

The Oklahoma State University College of Arts & Sciences and the Office of International Students and Scholars played host to the Chinese university students as they toured the campus, met with officials, and experienced all that OSU has to offer as they evaluated the campus for possible expansion of summer study abroad programs.

“The honors college of Nanjing University, they have a study abroad program every summer, and they typically go to Duke,” Vivian Wang, OSU Manager of China Programs and Development, said. “This year is the first time they decided to stop at OSU for three days before they head to Duke University for a week.”

While in Stillwater, the Nanjing University students toured labs and research facilities, met and spoke with faculty and staff including Bret Danilowicz, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. The students also toured facilities such as Edmon Low Library and campus residential facilities.

If OSU is selected, Nanjing University would join a group of Chinese universities who already send honors students to OSU for summer study abroad programs, including the Southwest Jiaotong University in Chengdu, Tianjin University, and Northwest A&F University in Yangling.

Along with hosting Chinese groups, OSU regularly sends students and faculty to China on similar study abroad programs over the summer, Wang said. According to Wang, five OSU students are currently in China on study abroad programs.

Though current numbers are not available, approximately 450 Chinese students attended OSU last fall, about half of which were undergraduates, Wang said.

“For Chinese students, they get to see the American experience, to see what the American educational tradition is like,” Wang said. “For our campus, it is important for our students to know that there are opportunities for them to see the other side of the world.”

For more information on OSU study abroad opportunities, contact the National Student Exchange Office at 405-744-8569, or visit online at