CAS News

Shibley to Speak at OSU

Robert L. Shibley will visit Oklahoma State University to present “The Coddling of the American Mind: Vindictive Protectiveness on Campus” Wednesday, March 23 at 7 p.m. in Murray 035. Admission is free and open to the public.

The Arts and Humanities Series and Oklahoma State University Philosophy Department will present Shibley, the executive director the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. A native of Toledo, Ohio, Shibley is a graduate of Duke University and Duke University School of Law. His undergraduate experience serving as the managing editor of the Duke Review newspaper, which frequently decried administrative censorship and bias, led him to a career defending the rights of college and university students and faculty members.

As executive director of FIRE, Shibley travels to various college campuses to speak about First Amendment issues. He has also represented the foundation publicly on Stossel, Fox and Friends, and Lou Dobbs Tonight, in national and international radio and TV interviews, and in published editorials in several newspapers, such as New York Post, National Review, and Daily Oklahoman. Shibley and his wife Araz currently live in Apex, N.C.