CAS News

Science Just Got Better

Microbiology may seem overwhelming, but when brewing beer is involved, it makes the subject easier to consume.

spotlight cody article 001The College of Arts and Sciences at OSU will be offering one of its most popular Massive Open Online Course, or MOOC, for the second time. The class: Brewing Microbiology.

After high enrollment for the Brewing Microbiology MOOC in fall 2016, the College of Arts and Sciences opened it for the Fall 2017 semester. MOOCs, which are open to the public for free or can be a paid course for credit, allow communities to expand their knowledge within the course.

Cody Driscoll, a junior at OSU, plans to take the course in the fall.

“I’m a brewer, so I have a real appreciation for all of the microbes at work.” Driscoll said. “The yeast, the fermentation, and the science behind it so intriguing, so that is probably the most rewarding thing for me, learning a deeper aspect of the brewing process.”

The course uses footage from a local Stillwater Brewery, Iron Monk Brewing Company. Dr. Tyrrell Conway, who led the development of the course, will be teaching it for the second time.

“The MOOC format is great because it brings in people from all over the world.” Conway said. “Last year we have students from New Zealand and Sweden. Not only do they bring a different opinion to the table, and we expose them to a little bit of Stillwater culture, too.”

Although the course is all about brewing, students do not have to be 21 to take the course.

“It’s not really about the beer, it’s about the science behind the brewing process.” Conway said.

The course offers videos, assignments and discussion groups to help student learn the information in an engaging way.

Driscoll, who is currently working at Iron Monk, is taking the class to move toward a future goal.

“My plan is to stay in the brewing industry, I eventually would like to be a head brewer or even own my own brewery.” He said. “Learning about all of it, has really helped me become a better brewer. Brewing is as much an art as it is a science, you can’t have one without the other, and it’s a happy marriage between the two.”

Brewing Microbiology is an upper division course and is open to students for credit as MICR 4003 / CRN 69595, or free to the online community for a learning experience.

Enroll today to discover the science behind brewing.

LDF Microbrew