LETTER FROM THE DEAN I amwriting this letter less than two months into my tenure as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. There’s a high probability that I haven’t met you yet, and you are still guessing how to pronounce my last name (it rhymes with “roots”). So I still have a lot to learn about CAS and OSU, including gaining a full understanding of the students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends who make this such a successful and friendly place. One thing I know for sure is that OSU’s reputation for friendliness is well-earned. I have been fortunate to work at several universities known for nice people, but this place takes it to another level. Speaking of which, most universities take their school colors seriously, but OSU takes that to another level as well. I’m building up my orange wardrobe —which I love — so that I fit in with everyone else around here. I am also certain that I am extremely proud to lead OSU’s largest college and the intellectual heart of this great American land-grant university. I have read quite a bit about JustinMorrill, who proposed the land-grant system in the 19th century because he wanted students in the heartland to get high-quality educations, just as their peers on the coasts could. He was quite vocal about these institutions being more than agricultural and mechanical trade schools. He wanted them to teach critical thinking and a grounding in the essential nature of humanity and living in the modern world to add depth to the educational experience. I am sure he would be proud of what OSU and many other land-grant institutions have become due in significant part to their offerings in the arts and sciences. This magazine is full of stories showing CAS and OSU have a lot to be proud of. There are even a few pages with a little more information about me, my background, and most importantly, the things I’m focused on helping our college accomplish. I look forward to meeting many of you at college events to discuss the state of CAS, and what is in store for the future. I am also available by email at . GO POKES! Glen S. Krutz, Ph.D. Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Professor of Political Science Puterbaugh Foundation Chair 2 CONNECT 201 9