OSU Geology Newsletter 2023

29 BOONE PICKENS SCHOOL OF GEOLOGY In summer 2023, the Les Huston Geology Field Camp took some great leaps forward into the future. We started off with the usual haunt of Grape Creek, where students completed a stratigraphic section and geologic map, before transitioning to digital geologic mapping using GPS-capable iPads and GIS software. We integrated our geophysical data into their digital field mapping around field camp, with great results for the first year. Cross-sections and maps of the camp area will certainly come in handy as we plan the future of our camp facilities! It was a very wet year before we got to camp, so some of our field areas were changed drastically within a few years—always impressive to see how the rocks change on human timescales and relate those changes to natural hazards and other processes that we teach in the classroom. The wet spring led to Eightmile Creek flowing all summer long, and the resulting white noise in my vintage cabin on the south end of camp was wonderful at night. Please plan on joining us for the 75th anniversary celebration, which will run from 7-9 June 2024 and which will double as a retirement celebration for long-time camp director Dr. Jim Puckette. See you at camp! Field Camp 2023 Students mapping the Ordovician Harding formation in “the Mixing Bowl,” one of the most challenging areas in the Cañon City embayment. 2023 saw the introduction of digital field mapping, which we will continue to develop and improve in the coming years. The “OSU Crew” (minus Clayton, Art, Olivia, and Torie) with Dr. Spencer on the last day of camp.