OSU Geology Newsletter 2023

26 BOONE PICKENS SCHOOL OF GEOLOGY NGWA University Powered By OSU NGWA University Powered by OSU (NGWAU) is a collaborative workforce development program between the National Ground Water Association (NGWA), OSU’s College of Arts and Sciences Office of Outreach and Communications, and the Boone Pickens School of Geology. Together, they offer professional development and K-12 extension activities focused on groundwater, reaching 41 states, 5 countries, and over 350 K-12 classrooms. The program addresses a workforce shortage, with success stories like an unemployed participant securing a job within two months of completing NGWAU non-credit courses. While funding for the program’s future is uncertain, NGWA has received significant grassroots support, while OSU secured scholarships and grant proposals. Efforts are underway to expand NGWAU programming, particularly in Oklahoma, with support from the Oklahoma Geological Foundation and advocacy for legislative support from groundwater constituents. Our recent launch of a nationwide public service announcement campaign aims to raise awareness of the groundwater workforce shortage, which can be viewed at groundwater.okstate.edu. The NGWAU program through BPSoG not only exemplifies successful industry collaboration but also seamlessly aligns with OSU’s Polytech Initiative, while incorporating three of the four priority areas defined by our OSU administration. Dr. Barnes demonstrating how to utilize the Awesome Aquifer 360 digital groundwater lab kits for K-12 students.