OSU Geology Newsletter 2023

25 BOONE PICKENS SCHOOL OF GEOLOGY The BPSoG hosted the Geoscience Educational Opportunity-Research Experience (GEO-REx) camp from July 17 - 20. This academic camp was sponsored by Battelle and provided field and lab-based experiences for eighteen (18) high school students who explored geoscience topics and completed their own mini-research project, including taking notes, developing hypotheses, and collecting samples, and measuring data. Students went out in the field to learn about different types of rocks and surface water features, then participated in three hands-on workshops covering hydrogeology, geochemistry, and rock properties. The first day, students were introduced to geoscience and enjoyed team-building activities including a campus scavenger hunt to locate items of geologic significance ranging from a geologic map in Life Sciences West to fossils in the railing of the stone steps on the south side of Willard Hall. The second day was dedicated to field experience and was highlighted by a local field trip with Dr. Gary Stewart who showed students evidence of high terrace deposits east of Stillwater along Fairgrounds Road and Mehan Road, as well as features along the Cimarron River at Ripley including the Neva Limestone and the associated sandstone that forms the cliff along River Road. On the third day students had the opportunity to work on a small research project under the guidance of a BPSoG faculty or graduate student, ranging from ocean bathymetry to geophysics to rock properties to elemental water analyses. While not every student was able to finish their project, all were able to develop a hypothesis, collect samples, prepare them for analysis, and measure data. That evening, the BPSoG hosted a BBQ at Lake Carl Blackwell and students enjoyed swimming and socializing with faculty, staff and students. The morning of the final day was dedicated to careers and research presentations to family, friends, and geoscience professionals. Students learned about preparing for college enrollment and met professional geoscientists from Battelle, US EPA, USGS, and the petroleum and environmental industries, who visited with them about career opportunities. The students gave excellent summary presentations on their projects, explaining their research, experimental plans, and data clearly and concisely. Informal feedback from students was generally positive regarding the geoscience workshops and research experience, as well as the opportunity to talk to geoscience professionals about their careers. Additional feedback from OSU faculty and professionals were very complimentary towards the student research projects, particularly how well they understood their research goals and what they were able to accomplish. Overall, the GEO-REx summer experience was a success, and a good model for future summer academic camps. The GEO-REx and WRANE teams send a large ‘Thank you’ to the NSF, Battelle, the BPSoG Alumni, and all the participating career professionals for their funding and support in introducing high school students to geoscience and the BPSoG. If you’re interested in helping with either program, let Jim or Tracy know.