OSU Geology Newsletter 2023

18 BOONE PICKENS SCHOOL OF GEOLOGY Spotlight on Undergraduate Students Lori Huck Lori Huck is an undergraduate double-majoring in Geology and Geospatial Information Science. She is Choctaw and is a citizen of the Cherokee Nation. She is a McNair and OKLSAMP Scholar and has received many scholarships including the OERB Petroleum Scholarship. She has been active in research and has participated is several research programs at OSU and outside of OSU doing research in hydrology, structural geology, mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, and communication science including an International Research Experience for Students that took place in Douala, Cameroon. In addition, Lori is very active in student organizations and is the current President of the Association for Women Geoscientists and holds elected positions in SEG, AIPG, the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), and the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS). She is also the Region 4 Student Representative for AISES that includes OK, KS, MO, AR, LA, and TX and recently travelled to the AISES Canadian National Gathering to represent the United States and co-host the conference. Outside of OSU, Lori is active in Science Advocacy including participating in AGU’s Local Science Partners Program and recently travelled to Washington DC to advocate for science funding and legislation. Brancen Redman Brancen Redman is a sophomore undergraduate double-majoring in geology and global studies and double-minoring in oceanography and geophysics. He has received numerous scholarships and awards including being selected to sail aboard the JR (JOIDES Resolution) Academy. Brancen is a Purdie undergraduate research scholar and an OSU Udall selective, investigating crude oil degrading fungi. Besides research, Brancen is involved in the Oklahoma State University Geological Society (OSUGS), Oklahoma State President’s Leadership Council (PLC), the non-profit foundation Wishes for Water (WfW), and the Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM). Brancen is also involved in various STEM outreach events, AGU’s Voices for Science Policy Program, and is a research ambassador. After graduation, Brancen plans to attend graduate school to ultimately receive his Ph.D. and become a research professor.