OSU Geology Newsletter 2023

16 BOONE PICKENS SCHOOL OF GEOLOGY was a bit different, in that we included, for the first time, digital mapping exercises using GPS-capable iPads and GIS mapping software. This coming year we will offer some new exercises for those pursuing the BS in Environmental Geoscience. We’re working with OSU to put together an exciting vision for the future of our facilities—stay tuned! From a research perspective, I co-authored a paper on deformation bands in Jurassic sandstones in Utah, and Dr. Jim Knapp and myself kicked off our Wichitas project with six undergraduates. Additionally, I’m building up a petrography and mineral separation facility to serve faculty and staff in the School who are interested in utilizing geochronological and petrographic methods in their own research. A PhD student working with Dr. Abdelsalam is already using the facility for geochronological research, and the petrography lab is current y hosting at least six students working on thin sections. Dr. Javier Vilcaez My Geofluids & Hydrogeology research group does research on the Water-Energy-CO2 nexus to contribute toward a net-zero emissions energy transition. We conduct experimental and computational research on the petrophysical characterization of rocks, as well as on the elucidation of hydrological, geochemical, and microbiological factors and interactions that control the multiphase bio-geochemical reactive transport of gas, aqueous, and hydrocarbon fluids in deep and shallow geo logical formations of complex heterogeneous porous media such as carbonates, at both the pore- and field-scale levels. The focus is on groundwater quality, petroleum produced water treatment and disposal, geological carbon and storage, mining of critical metals from brines, and hydrogen production and storage in depleted oil reservoirs. The goal is to develop new environmental technologies and computational methodologies to minimize the environmental burden of and optimize the development of subsurface energy, mineral, and groundwater resources. Our research incorporates the utilization of global optimization, machine learning, and environmental data analytical tools and techniques. Since the establishment of my research lab at OSU in 2014, I have published 20 peer-review articles as first and/or corresponding author in highly regarded energy, mineral, environmental, and groundwater journals. I value independence, the 20 publications are of research conducted at my Geofluids & Hydrogeology research lab. Since 2014, my collaborations with other research groups have resulted in 3 additional publications as co-author. Our research so far has been funded by NSF and USGS. Thanks! Dr. Tingying Xu Greetings everyone! Here is brief summary of my work and life for 2023, my 3rd year in OSU. I am still working on minerals, microbes, and metals. I am very excited that several of my projects got funded by various agencies in 2023. I am the sole PI on two grants, one is to explore roles of iron oxide mophology on hydrocarbon reservor rock wettablity funded by ACS Petroluem Research Foundation and the other one is to explore sortion mechanisms of light rare earth elements on metal oxide minerals funded by NSF Geobiology & Low Temperature Geochemistry program. Several of my collaborative projects also got funded by US EPA or some other agencies. I have recruited several new members to join my group including a postdoc researcher, a PhD student, and two undergraduate students. We are looking forward to a fruitful year in 2024 for all our funded projects! For teaching, I developed and taught Environmental Geology and Human Health for the first time in Fall 2023. I was highly encouraged based on the positive feedback from students enrolled. I will keep on offering this course annually. Hope I can eventually recruit some undergraduate students to the Geology department. Last, I want to express my great thanks to being a member of the BPSoG family and I look forward to working here for the coming years.