OSU Geology Newsletter 2023

10 BOONE PICKENS SCHOOL OF GEOLOGY New Faculty and Staff Blake Kirby Geochemistry Senior Research Specialist I am very happy to be a part of the Boone Pickens School of Geology. I am a Geochemistry Senior Research Specialist. My role for the department is to help support the geochemistry laboratory needs under Dr. Riedinger, Dr. Quan, and Dr. Xu. I manage in training students for lab safety, along with training students on running various machines so that they will be able to run their own samples and gather their own data. I help out with maintenance on various machines as well as handling chemical inventory and ordering supplies. I am still new to this role and I’m extremely grateful for the chance to learn more about the research being done and receiving even more training on all types of new equipment. About myself, I am originally from Oklahoma City but since college, Stillwater has been my home. I am recently married. My wife is a graduate student here at OSU. This is where we met in 2017, so this university has always had a very special place in our hearts. I enjoy going to football and baseball games here at OSU and we go to just about every single home game. I have two mini Australian Shepherds and they are my two favorite things to go home to everyday. I am very thankful to work in the Boone Pickens School of Geology and for Oklahoma State University. Go Pokes! The Introductory Geological Processes course in the Ouachita Mts. with Dr. Spencer.