Zenith 2024

4 2024-2025 Academic Year Travel Awards 2023-2024 Academic Year Recognitions John F. Rooney, Jr. Scholarship for Outstanding Junior Tayyab Ghazniwal Robert E. Norris Memorial Scholarship for Outstanding First-Year Graduate Student Katelyn Cooke Stephen W. Tweedie Travel Scholarship Manon Mowery Susan Shaull Medal For Excellence in Teaching Geography Katelyn Cooke Jerry Croft & Family Award in Geographic Education Harmony McSorely Norris Conference Travel Award Benjamin Biney Ehsan Foroutan Katelyn Cooke Ny Aina Rakotoarivony Una Yu Your contributions to department funds and scholarships enable us to support our current students and enhance their education. Thank you so much for your support! Awards & Scholarships Outstanding Senior Alumni Association Lily Chavez Alyson L. Greiner Undergraduate Travel Scholarship Manon Mowery Congratulations to Our Spring Awardees!