Zenith 2024

29 Center for Applications of Remote Sensing (CARS) CARS had a productive year both in research and educational outreach. CARS co-director Dr. Hamed Gholizadeh started two new projects as the lead PI: NSF-funded project “MRI: Track 1 Acquisition of an Advanced Low-altitude Earth Observing System (ALEOS) with Hyperspectral and LiDAR Capabilities to Advance Interdisciplinary Research and Training”, and USGS-funded project “Optimizing Invasive Plant Management in Grasslands: Integrating Remote Sensing and Climate Sciences” with co-PI Dr. Saber Brasher. Dr. Gholizadeh is also leading a NASA-funded project to use remotely-sensed data to monitor plant diversity. CARS co-director Dr. Yuting Zhou continues his role as the PI for OklahomaView and CARS coordinator Jing Wang as the state coordinator. With the completion of the Oklahoma As Art project, new outreach effort will focus on helping local communities in northwest Oklahoma to apply remote sensing to agricultural and natural resource management. Dr. Zhou is also collaborating with a USDA ARS scientist to estimate corn yield using UAV imagery and machine learning algorithms. Two manuscripts about this topic are under development. Dr. Zhou recently got another funding from the USDA ARS to investigate the impacts of climate and management practices on agroecosystems using remote sensing and in-situ observations. Wenqi Liu, Ph.D. student passed her comprehensive exam in the Spring. Two graduate students, Sadril Khan (Ph.D.) and Adeyinka Olusanya (M.S.), joined CARS in Fall 2023. CARS is also awarded with the tech-fee fund to purchase a thermal sensor. By Dr. Hamed Gholizadeh