Zenith 2024

28 Cartography Services By Michael Larson Cartography Services: Cartography Services maintains a rather full schedule. Headed by Michael Larson, Manager of Geospatial Systems, we have spent most of our time split between several key working areas, including major cartographic projects, outreach activities, as well as map design and compilation work. Cartography Services continues its traditional role assisting the faculty in the Geography department with their various projects and research. We have completed the final drafts of 101 maps for Dr. Dale Lightfoot’s book on Qanats. Additionally, we have completed a number of maps for other entities on campus, including a couple faculty members from the Department of History and a set of maps for the Ag Extension Office. Cartography Services is now in its 15th year working with Drs. Hongbo Yu and Allen Finchum on the SHPO/OLI project. Our portion of this project, funded by the Oklahoma State Historic Preservation Office, is a dual role. The first part involves developing an interactive, web-based server to help facilitate the Section 106 activities. This work is being led by Kellen Bullock, our GIS Specialist III and staff member, with assistance from Dr. Matthew Haffner, a consultant from the University of Wisconsin at Eu Clair. The second portion of the project involves data entry, cleaning, and updating the Oklahoma Landmark Inventory (OLI) database. Undergraduate students who worked on the project this past year include Jacob Shepherd, Levi Fazel, and Abby Curry. This fall marks our third year involved with the InternOSU program. The first two interns, Isabelle Ley and Abby Curry, each worked on a number of varied projects including cartographic design and construction, GIS data entry, conference attendance/presentation, and whatever random project work the Cartography Service Manager came up with. This fall, our newest intern, Everett Bonine will be joining our ranks.