Zenith 2024

26 Dr. Yuting Zhou Dr. Yuting Zhou taught three courses during the last academic year: Digital Tools for Environmental Problem-Solving (Spring and Fall), Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems (Fall), and Advanced GIS: Resource Management Applications (Spring). Two graduate students, Sadril Khan (Ph.D.) and Adeyinka Olusanya (M.S.), joined CARS in Fall 2023. Ph.D. student Wenqi Liu has passed her comprehensive exams. Dr. Zhou also served as faculty advisor for a Global Study student, Brianna Lucas, in her Honors thesis course and for a Geospatial Information Science (GISci) student, Eddy Iyonsi, with the support from the Advancing Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (AURCA) program. Dr. Zhou attended the 2024 Junior Day, an event attracted around 1,500 high school juniors and their families to OSU. Dr. Zhou continued his role as PI for OklahomaView and Co-Director of the Center for Applications of Remote Sensing (CARS). This year, Dr. Zhou and the CARS Coordinator, Ms. Jing Wang, are trying to promote the usage of remote sensing in agriculture and natural resource management in local communities in northwest Oklahoma. Dr. Zhou is also collaborating with a USDA ARS scientist to estimate corn yield using UAV imagery and machine learning algorithms. Two manuscripts about this topic are under development. Dr. Zhou recently got another funding from the USDA ARS to investigate the impacts of climate and management practices on agroecosystems using remote sensing and in-situ observations. With the support from the Bureau of Land Management, Dr. Zhou recruited another Ph.D. student to study vegetation and fuels using remote sensing and machine learning algorithms. Collaborating with Dr. Gholizadeh in the department, Dr. Zhou obtained funding from the College of Arts and Sciences to purchase a thermal camera, which will sit in CARS.