Zenith 2024

21 Dr. Alyson Greiner For Alyson, a rare, much-needed, and bona fide vacay to Denmark, Norway, and Sweden last summer provided a fun and wonderfully lifeaffirming experience. Additionally, she continued to make progress on a collaborative research project related to the history of geography and its major journals, and presented some of the results of this research at the SWAAG meeting in Laredo in November. She opted out of making the trek to the Aloha State for the AAG meeting in the spring, but enjoyed attending virtually instead as she and graduate student Katelyn Cooke co-presented a paper. On the home front, life-partner Luis is completing his 12th year as Department Chair of Chemistry at UCO and continues to work on accreditation issues in conjunction with the Higher Learning Commission. Dr. Tao Hu Dr. Tao Hu completed his third year in the department and was successfully reappointed as an Assistant Professor. During the past year, Dr. Hu was awarded two external grants. The first, funded by the NSF, aims to develop epidemiological models to understand the mechanism of disease transmission in Oklahoma. The second project, funded by a USDA subcontract, focuses on developing a disease monitoring system, which collect various animal disease, environmental, and human health data and build a GISbased dashboard to demonstrate spatial-temporal patterns of diseases. Additionally, Dr. Hu published five peer-reviewed research articles in prestigious journals, including the International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation and the Journal of Remote Sensing. He also advised two PhD students and supervised three graduate students and three undergraduate students. Notably, his team received several awards, including 1st and 2nd places in the poster competition at the 2023 SWAAG Conference and 2nd place in the poster competition at the 2024 CADRE Conference. Dr. Hu looks forward to seeing more achievements from his team in the coming year. A blast from the past!