Zenith 2024

19 Dr. Jon Comer Jon Comer spent his 30th year at OSU in a new role, as Interim Department Head. It proved to be a very busy year learning all the ins and outs of the position, but he found it to be a very rewarding experience and is excited to take on the role full time for the next three years, through June 2027. Jon got back into his normal conference routine, attending both the Applied Geography Conference (AGX) in Pittsburgh in October 2023 and the annual AAG meetings in April 2024, which conveniently were held in Honolulu this time around. Both trips were amazing, and besides doing the usual conference activities he was able to make some excursions. While in Pittsburgh he ventured out to the Flight 93 memorial and to Punxsutawney, PA (photo). He also got to hang out with OSU alumna Stacey Brown Amilian (B.S. 2002; Ph.D. 2011), his first doctoral student, who became Department Chair at SIUE at the same time Jon became Interim Head. Honolulu was a trip of a lifetime, including visiting Pearl Harbor (photo) and touring the eastern and northern parts of Oahu. While it was tempting to try to make excursions to some of the other islands, Oahu has plenty to offer in terms of beautiful scenery, diverse climates, and its history. Jon remains active with the Applied Geography Conferences as a Board Member, campus assessment committees, consulting for school districts from time to time, and walking the dogs many times a day. Jon at the stump where it all happens on February 2 every year. Jon and Shannon aboard the USS Arizona Memorial, with the USS Missouri in the background. Jon and former Ph.D. student Dr. Stacey Brown Amilian.