Zenith 2024

18 Faculty Updates Dr. Saber Brasher Dr. Saber Brasher completed her second year in the department, and somehow, it managed to be busier than the first! She has many climatological projects currently underway. She is a co-PI on an NSF project that is completing its first year of four and has recently received news that a second externally funded project will begin this upcoming August. Aside from writing proposals, in the last year she published a couple papers, and made some progress on others, while also teaching ~170 students in her climate/ meteorology courses. In total, she has recruited four graduate students to OSU to work on funded projects (two who just completed their first year in their programs!). She is proud that all her advisees have made great progress this year. Abby Livingston (Brasher’s undergraduate RA the past two years) graduated with her BS and is moving on to graduate school at the University of Illinois, and multiple students Brasher is a committee member for have either graduated or passed into PhD candidacy as well. Aside from work, in August 2023 she was married in the mountains of Colorado, and she and her husband (+ pup River) have wandered off into the outdoors any chance they get (with Brasher’s camera, of course!) River enjoying the mountains of Colorado. A heron friend at Sanborn Lake, in Stillwater. Overlooking the blue lake they were married by at sunrise earlier that day.