Zenith 2024

17 Jing Wang Jing Wang, the Coordinator of Center for Application of Remote Sensing (CARS) is starting her 10th year in the department. Last year she finished Oklahoma As Art 2023, a continuation of Oklahoma As Art 2022 with a focus on the unique and diverse landscape of Oklahoma. The 2023 work displays the environmental impact of human and nature’s activities in Oklahoma. Using ground photography, UAS, and satellite imagery, the same locations/events are portraited through three levels of remote sensing methods. The projects are funded by AmericaView and all contents from the two years projects are available through the OklahomaView website (okview.org) for viewers to appreciate the rich history of Oklahoma geography, and to see some examples of the benefit of remote sensing for environment modeling and conservation. Jing Wang and Wenqi Liu in the Field collecting Logging site showing various stages of timber growth