Zenith 2024

12 SWAAG Meeting, Laredo, TX. November 1-4 First Place, Graduate student posters Doctoral student Ehsan Foroutan, who presented “Assessing Heat Vulnerability in Philadelphia using Geographically Weighted Principal Component Analysis (GWPCA): A Big Datadriven Approach.” SWAAG Meeting, Laredo, TX. November 1-4 Second Place, graduate students posters Doctoral student Una Yu, who presented "Beyond Conventional Proximity Metrics: Using Smartphone Mobility Data to Unveil Health Access Disparities.” SCAUG Conference, Frisco, TX. April 24-25 Students were recognized at the South Central Arc Users (SCAUG) Conference in Frisco, TX. Abby Curry won the Undergraduate Collaborative Scholarship and Ehsan Foroutan won the Graduate Collaborative Scholarship Research And Presentations