Zenith 2024

11 Sheehan Highlighted in Research on Tap On Monday April 15th Dr. Rebecca Sheehan provided a Research on Tap talk with OSU Vice President for Research Kenneth Sewell at Stillwater’s Iron Monk Brewery titled “Why Do Protests about memorials in Public Spaces Matter?: Geographers to the Rescue.” GSA23, Pittsburgh Dr. Carlos Cordova participated in the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America in Pittsburgh. He organized a session sponsored by the Geoarcheological Division of the GSA, which has a number of geography members. SCAUG 2023 Winter User Group Meeting, Stillwater November 8 Dr. Hongbo Yu presented “Development of a Web GIS Application for Calculating Livestock Populations in the U.S.” at this South-Central Arc Users Group meeting. Geographers in the Field, continued