Geology Newsletter 2022_v4

15 BOONE PICKENS SCHOOL OF GEOLOGY bution and evolution of porosity. Aletha is co-advised by Dr. Ashley Burkett. Ms. Melissa Perkins joined our group and will continue work on regional and local sediment dispersal during the Pennsylvanian. Melissa is comparing provenance of detrital zircons in cores of the Upper Morrow and Lower Morrow sandstones in the Anadarko basin. There was a return to in-school outreach activities in 2022 and we participated in Career Day at Carl Albert High School in Midwest City, Oklahoma, the Ever More career and college introduction program in Moore, Oklahoma and Family Stem Night in Rush Springs Oklahoma. We also participated 4-H Roundup and introduced geology to a broad audience at each event. A highlight of summer 2022 was a return to in-person summer activities including field camp at the Les Huston Geology Field Camp near Canon City Colorado and the Halliburton Teacher Workshop for in-service teachers. We also held the Geoscience Field Experience academic camp during summer 2022. This event was for high school students and included a field trip led by Dr. Gary Stewart. We look forward to the second academic camp during summer 2023. Dr. Tracy Quan 2022 was a pretty exciting year professionally, with a lot of interesting projects and activities. On the geochemistry front, Master’s student Peter Loree finished his thesis on using NMR to identify organic compound classes in produced water samples, a project funded by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB). Peter developed a technique for measuring produced water samples from both Alabama and Oklahoma that resulted in high-quality spectra that could be quantitatively interpreted. My plan is to continue analyzing additional samples, investigating techniques for more detailed characterization, and applying this technique to evaluate remediation methods. M.S. student Mengran Xin, has joined the lab to work on characterizing paleoenvironmental conditions during OAE2 using sediment sample from the Southern Ocean. I am also involved in several projects to introduce geoscience to students, and improve the quality of geoscience education. My collaborators and I recently established the NSF-funded Water Research, Assessment, and Networking Ecosystem (WRANE) program to introduce pre-university students and teachers to water-related geoscience topics via virtual lectures, career networking, and community science research projects. Our first group of WRANE teachers and students started in the Fall and are working on their research projects. We are planning a summer symposium to bring these groups together for additional geoscience activities and career exposure. I also received funding from Battelle for a new ion chromatography instrument that can be used for outreach and educational purposes, and we put it to good use in the first Geoscience Field Experience camp this past summer. Dr. Natascha Riedinger Dear BPSoG friends and Alumni, after some years where research was on the hold due to the pandemic and an instrument outage in the lab, we were able to get back into full research-swing in 2022. In the spring, 4 undergraduate students worked in my lab (two of those working on their OSU Neil Purdie scholarship awarded research projects) and in fall the group grew to 8 undergraduate students. It was fantastic to see all those students interested in research and gaining laboratory experience. Also, in 2022, my two MSc students successfully defended their thesis in December with topics related to samples from the Scotia Sea. Lauren Haygood, a PhD student in my group