Geology Newsletter 2022_v4

12 BOONE PICKENS SCHOOL OF GEOLOGY Dr. Ashley Burkett As travel resumed, Dr. Burkett spent 21% of her year on the ocean collecting samples for research! The longest was 60 days on the JOIDES Resolution off South Africa where they recovered the Dinosaurs extinction event (K/Pg) and extreme climate event (PETM), and plan to produce exciting data. Dr. Burkett also sailed on an Alvin Verification Cruise where she was in the first group of scientists to work with the recently rebuilt Alvin where she deployed experimental materials and went in Alvin to the bottom of the ocean in the Puerto Rico Trench, nearly 4 miles (5900 m) deep! She also sailed on the RV Revelle for 10 days learning all the seafloor sampling techniques she had not previously known. All this fun was not limited to Dr. Burkett. She also sent 2 undergrads and 2 PhD students to participate in research expeditions of their very own. The Burkett Micropaleontology Lab has now bloomed to 11 students with 4 grad and 7 undergrad researchers. The lab is bustling with activity as we take on IODP samples for foraminiferal ecology, morphology, and geochemistry through major extinction events. We hope the results of this research will be very impactful and published in high quality journals. The fun of the past academic year can be found in these featured stories, blogs, and podcasts. To find out more, click on the links below: -Alvin and the Dinosaurs -Days at Sea Blog by PhD Student, Trenity Ford -Foraminifera for the win! -A Foram Fairy Tale -PI Cruise News from the Faculty