OSU Geology Newsletter 2018.docx

26 A Message from the Boone Pickens School of Geology Advisory Board Mike Kuykendall, 2017-‐2018 Alumni Advisory Board Chair Greetings from the BPSoG Alumni Advisory Board! The 2017 – 2018 academic school year has flown by, so we must be having fun, and/or staying busy. I believe it has been, and continues to be, both. The BPSoG Alumni Advisory Board is collection of interested and engaged geology alumni who have continued to serve the groups mission and purposes since 2006. Last year’s Board Chair, Gary Ford, shared these in his GeoVista message, and they are worthy to include here again as a reminder of our mission as alumni and what makes everyone’s involvement so important. • The BPSoG Advisory Board is comprised of alumni and friends of the School and are an active and vigorous group engaged to advise, assist and advocate for the faculty and students and the School in defining and attaining their academic, career and mission goals. The purpose of this Advisory Board includes the following: • To advise the faculty of the School of Geology and the administration of Oklahoma State University on the needs of the people and industries that are served by the school; particularly in regard to the curriculum to be taught to the students who will be employed in industry, academia and government and to the direction of research that is undertaken by the faculty and students. • To mentor undergraduate and graduate students regarding the profession of geology and its practice, and to introduce students to appropriate professional organizations and encourage their participation in these organizations. • To provide a network of contacts to those students seeking employment in industry, academia or government and for their further career development. • To advocate for, encourage and promote hiring of OSU School of Geology graduates within industry, academia and government. • To assist with fundraising efforts for both specific research endeavors and for the overall development of the School and its students, in coordination with the OSU Foundation. • To maintain the traditional sense of camaraderie and community among the students, faculty, alumni and friends of the School of Geology. • To advise on matters regarding changing industry cultures or politics that may have an effect on the future of the School or its students, faculty and alumni. • To advise and assist on other such issues as may be suggested by the School, Faculty, or University and to advocate for the School in the general public. Geoscience jobs have begun to rebound from the last couple of years and a significant and important on-‐campus building project, the “Gary F. Stewart Core Research Facility” in is full swing. It too has been a transitional year with the search for a new Department Head and several key faculty members. As you can see from this newsletter it has also been a fantastic year regarding student, faculty, and department achievements, as well as many new and exciting opportunities. BPSoG graduate students are “setting the curve” when it comes to nation-‐wide top academic awards. Congratulations and thanks to all who have worked so very hard and dedicated themselves to academic and personal excellence—you represent all that is great about OSU and the BPSoG. The BPSoG future continues to look very bright! It’s a great time to be an OSU Cowboy and a great time to be a part of the Alumni Advisory Board. Collectively we can achieve even greater goals and continue to build on the firm foundation and heritage that is ours as graduates of the BPSoG. I invite you to be a part! All the best…..and GO POKES! —Mike Kuykendall