OSU Geology Newsletter 2018.docx

20 their intended career objectives, while also assisting us in recruiting larger numbers of students who are looking for career- ‐specific degree programs. The Undergraduate Committee and I worked long and hard to identify which Geology (and non-‐Geology) courses best fit each curriculum, and we’re eager to launch our new degrees in the Fall 2018. We are excited to introduce into the curriculum some new and diverse Geology electives, such as: Introduction to Oceanography, Geobiology, and Exploring Earth: An Introduction to Geology (replacing Geology and Human Affairs for non- ‐majors). Additionally, we are excited to re- ‐introduce into the curriculum classes such as: Planetary Geology and Economic Geology, and I really hope we’ll be able to offer Paleontology again soon, too! Several of these courses will be offered online, as it’s important for us to keep evolving and adapting… much like planet Earth! (See what I did there? I’ve got geology jokes for days!) Thanks to some outstanding undergraduate student leaders, we’re increasing our recruitment efforts and working with CAS Outreach to publish new marketing materials and have targeted visits to large, Oklahoma high schools (this is still in the works). The number of admitted freshmen for Fall 2018 is fairly large, so we’re doing what we can to make sure they call OSU “home” for the next four years… which is good, because we had 25 students graduate in summer/fall 2017 and expect 16 more to graduate this spring/summer 2018! Here’s hoping you are all happy and healthy. As always, Go Pokes! Mr. Tim Sickbert Laboratory Coordinator The Boone Pickens School of Geology has been fortunate to be able to continuously upgrade and improve the technology that we provide in support of our students’ coursework, research, and conference presentations. With increase-‐ ing enrollment in online classes, we have purchased software (Camtasia) for faculty to record material for web presentation; and a GoPro Hero 5 Black action video camera with accessories to bring the field to the screen. In addition, we replaced our old RTK GNSS/GPS system with a new Leica GS14 bundle for high- ‐precision, high- ‐accuracy field survey work. And finally, we acquired two new wide-‐format printers, a 36” HP DesignJet T520 for draft and day- ‐to- ‐day work, and a 44” HP DesignJet T5270 for photo- ‐quality reproduction. On the personal side, I continue my research into seismicity in Oklahoma. I am making good progress, am presenting at local conferences and workshops, and anticipate having two manuscripts submitted by the time you read this. Ms. Sandy Earls Administrative Assistant Another year has come and gone. I am now in my 21st year with the School. It seems that there are new changes every year. We have had a staff member leave (Tabitha) and a new staff member come on board (Heather). Training on the new system at the University continues. Every day is a new learning experience as they are still tweaking how things work. I look forward to working with the alumni, students, staff, faculty and friends of the Boone Pickens School of Geology during 2018. We took a short trip to South Padre Island in March and it was great walking on the beach. A much needed break and I was able to get it in before Tabitha left. We did not take our fall trip to family this year as there was just too much going on. I did take a week off in November, but just caught up on my needlework and reading. Pete and I are hoping to get a couple of home projects completed this year. Pete will also be undergoing some major dental work which he is not looking forward too! I hope you will stop by the department next time you are in town, just to say hi!