OSU Geology_Newsletter 2017-draft2

25 A Message from Boone Pickens School of Geology Advisory Board Gary W Ford, 2016‐2017 Alumni Advisory Board Chair Why have a Geology Advisory Board and what does it do? Sometimes I think it is a good idea to stop and evaluate where you’ve been and why you went that direction, so I thought it time to do the same with the BPSoG Advisory Board. The current iteration of an alumni advisory group, the BPSoG Advisory Board, was formed back in 2002. The Board held its first organized meeting held on campus April 22, 2006, consisting of an initial 41, who agreed to serve on the Board. Later that year, the Board adopted formal bylaws to focus and govern the group. I think it is important that the original Advisory Board purpose, as stated in the Bylaws, be re‐ stated and used as a bench mark as to how the Board is doing; is it living up to its stated purpose? The BPSoG Advisory Board comprised of alumni and friends of the School shall be an active and vigorous group engaged to advise, assist and advocate for the faculty and students and the School in defining and attaining their academic, career and mission goals. The purpose of this Advisory Board shall include, but not be limited to the following:  To advise the faculty of the School of Geology and the administration of Oklahoma State University on the needs of the people and industries that are served by the school; particularly in regard to the curriculum to be taught to the students who will be employed in industry, academia and government and to the direction of research that is undertaken by the faculty and students.  To mentor undergraduate and graduate students regarding the profession of geology and its practice, and to introduce students to appropriate professional organizations and encourage their participation in these organizations.  To provide a network of contacts to those students seeking employment in industry, academia or government and for their further career development.  To advocate for, encourage and promote hiring of OSU School of Geology graduates within industry, academia and government.  To assist with fundraising efforts for both specific research endeavors and for the overall development of the School and its students, in coordination with the OSU Foundation.  To maintain the traditional sense of camaraderie and community among the students, faculty, alumni and friends of the School of Geology.  To advise on matters regarding changing industry cultures or politics that may have an effect on the future of the School or its students, faculty and alumni.  To advise and assist on other such issues as may be suggested by the School, Faculty, or University and to advocate for the School in the general public. In looking over 2016‐2017, the Board has accomplished many things:  Held monthly teleconference calls to facilitate communication between Faculty and Board members.  Held bi‐yearly meetings on Campus to allow face‐to‐face interaction between Faculty and Board members.  Assisted faculty in completion of a comprehensive revised 10 year Strategic Plan that will be used to guide the BPSoG for future success.  Continued “Take a Cowboy to Work” program allowing students to visit with and observe geologist in their day‐to‐day jobs.  Provided funding for students to attend professional regional meetings  Formed Environmental/Water Resources committee to bring focus to those industries.  Advised the Administration on benefits of forming a Petroleum Geosciences Director position to strengthen BPSoG Petroleum Geosciences program.  Worked with OSU Foundation in raising funds for Core Facility Building campaign  Participated in a department review by an external review committee on how to achieve the School’s goals.  Fall Advisory Board meeting held on campus during Home Football weekend.  Host Annual Alumni Spring Banquet and assist in funding for the event.  Bring alumni, faculty and friends of the School together during offsite event.  Provide Graduate student scholarships  Started effort in seeking out new members amongst younger alumni to join and become active members of the Geology Advisory Board. In my view, the Advisory Board is continuing to fulfill its purpose as envisioned by the first Board back in 2006, by adding value and support to the School. This success is due to the many Geology Advisory Board members who give their time, efforts, resources and funding, helping to making the BPSoG a great place to study geology! If you are not a Board member and would like to be considered for membership, please contact Dr. Estella Atekwana. Many thanks to all involved with the Board. Go Pokes and Rock on! Gary W. Ford