OSU Geology_Newsletter 2017-draft2

22 SPOTLIGHT ON STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Society of Exploration Geophysicists Student Chapter at Oklahoma State University President: Luel Emishaw Faculty Advisor: Dr. Priyank Jaiswal The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) Student Chapter at Oklahoma State University had an exciting start to the 2016 academic year promoting geophysics and student involvement. We hosted the SEG Honorary Lecturer Scott Michell in Fall 2016 to provide opportunities for students to learn about recent innovations and technology in the geosciences. Scott participated in a student lead Q&A session followed by his talk “Subsalt Imaging: Snapshots in Time, Reflections, and next Steps”. Both were excellent opportunities for students to communicate with an industry professional on topics from career development to seismic imaging. Elections were also held signifying a passing of the torch from Sundeep Sharma to recent President Luelseged Emishaw and his officers: Evin Fetkovich (Vice President), Nathan Campbell (Treasurer), Micah Mayle (Secretary), and Ines Barrios Galindez (Social Outreach Chair). In Spring 2017 we will be hosting a joint AAPG/ SEG ConocoPhillips Geoscience and Engineering Tech Fest alongside OSU Student Chapters of American of Association of Petroleum Geologists and Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts to provide an opportunity for students to present their current research and promote their work to industry professionals. A series of Python workshops will also be hosted later in the Spring of the 2017. It will be led by PhD. candidate in geology Afshin Aghayan and will allow students to add computational skills making them more competitive as a job candidate and researcher. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Student Chapter at Oklahoma State University President: Josh Bedell Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Grammer The OSU Student Chapter of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) is also active in the department and is thriving with 120 members and an average attendance of 48 people per meeting. The organization is currently holding a speaker series where they will be hosting industry professionals from all over the Mid‐Continent, including experts in the fields of geology, geophysics, engineering, land/title, and everything in between. The goal of this series is to fully develop our students into oil and gas specialists, with a well‐rounded understanding of all the industry’s major scientific and business components. In the fall of 2016 we were able to host Tim Munson of Spartan Resources, Cody Knepper of Nutech Energy, Roberto Wagner of Chesapeake Energy, and the 14 geoscience professionals from the Oklahoma City Geological Society. Moreover, AAPG has conducted fundraisers through the school and held toy drives for the children at Stillwater Medical Center. This fall AAPG partnered with SPE, SPWLA, and AADE and raised over $1400 for our Angel Tree project and was able to provide Christmas for 12 children. They also have developed a refund program for students that attend student expos, present posters, and participate in other academic/professional related activities. AAPG also partnered with ConocoPhillips this fall and hosted the ConocPhillips Math and Science Night where we hosted over 230 students and 400 total attendees. Furthermore, AAPG also partnered with the Wondertorium in Stillwater and hosted geology themed activities for kids during the month of January. Additionally, AAPG hosts numerous software short courses, resume workshops, field trips, and other professional development events throughout the year. Last spring, AAPG held the first ever AAPG Prospect Presentation, where two Student interacting with Dr. Priyank Jaiswal during the 2016 Geophysics Tech Fest Pizza with Profs Night hosted by AAPG students