OSU Geology_Newsletter 2016

26 Top 11 characteristics a geoscientist needs to be a professional, develop a career, and find work: 1. Critical thinking—now is the time to develop your skills and show how you solve problems. 2. Analytical skills—in the end you are a geoscientist, show your ability to use the scientific method. 3. Collaboration—try to work with others both seniors and peers; let people know your work. 4. Communication—key skill; you need to develop the ability to relate to others and sell yourself 5. Presentations and Publications—look for opportunities to show your work and your ability to think and speak; do a good job and this can be the pathway to opportunity 6. Leadership—develop leadership skills in your areas of expertise; associate yourself with current leaders. 7. Networking—you probably have more contacts than you know, develop them and add new ones. Be active in professional societies. 8. Pride-Passion—two of the most important characteristics; you must try to be the best at what you do—and show it! 9. Poise-Posture-Maturity—you develop these characteristics over time especially by talking to people and emulating others. 10. Extra Activities/Initiative—make sure you are part of a group, a society. Volunteer to show your interest in your profession and work. 11. Experience—find work, even if it’s not necessarily in your field so you can build a resume. Lastly be positive! Opportunities are there—find them! UPCOMING EVENTS AT THE SCHOOL OF GEOLOGY ALUMNI AWARDS We congratulate Mike Gaskins for the 2015 Geology Distinguish Alumnus and the GAAC Honorary Life Membership Award Congratulations to Kathy Lippert for the GAAC 2015 Bootstrap Award Advisory Board meeting: Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 2 pm 001 Noble Research Center, OSU - Stillwater Campus 2016 Annual Alumni Banquet: The Faculty, Staff and Students of The Oklahoma State University Boone Pickens School of Geology cordially invite you to attend the Reception and Alumni Banquet on Saturday, April 2, 2016. The Reception and Banquet will be held on campus at the Conoco-Phillips Alumni Center. The reception will begin at 5:30 pm and includes a cash bar. The Banquet will be from 6:309:00 pm in the Click Alumni Hall. To make your reservations to attend the banquet, Call Sandy Earls at the School of Geology, 405-744-6358. There is no cost to attend the banquet (with the exception of the cash bar)