OSU Geology_Newsletter 2014-final draft.doc

18 16. Gao S.S., K.H. Liu, C.A. Reed, Y. Yu, B. Massinque, H. Mdala, M. Moidaki, D. Mutamina, E.A. Atekwana, S. Ingate, and A.M. Reusch, 2013, SAFARI-Seismic Arrays for African Rift Eos Trans. AGU, 94, 213-214, doi: 10.1002/2013EO240002. 17. Halihan, T., A. Love, M. Keppel, and V. Berens, 2013, Analysis of subsurface mound spring connectivity in shale of the western margin of the Great Artesian Basin, South Australia, Hydrogeology Journal, doi: 10.1007/s10040-013-1034-8. 18. Harrison, W.B. III, and Grammer, G.M., 2013, The Great American Carbonate Bank in the Central Michigan Basin, In The Great American Carbonate Bank: The Geology and Economic Resources of the Cambro-Ordovician Sauk megasequence of Laurentia, AAPG Memoir 98, p. 1049-1062. 19. Kish, S.A., and Donoghue, J.F., 2013, Coastal response to storms and sea-level rise: Santa Rosa Island, Northwest Florida, USA: Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 63 p.131–140. 20. Liegeois, J-P, Abdelsalam, M.G., Ennih, N., and Ouabadi, A., 2013, Metacraton: Nature, genesis and behavior. Gondwana Research. 23, 220-237. 21. Mazzullo, S. J., Boardman, D. R., II, Wilhite, B. W., Godwin, C., and Morris, B. T., 2013, Revisions of Outcrop Lithostratigraphic Nomenclature in the Lower to Middle Mississippian Subsystem (Kinderhookian to basal Meramecian Series) along the shelf-edge in southwest Missouri, Norwest Arkansas, and Northeast Oklahoma: Shale Shaker, volume 63, p. 414-452. 22. *Mewafy, F.M., D.D. Werkema, E.A. Atekwana, L.D. Slater, G.Z. Abdel Aal, A. Revil, and D. Ntarlagiannis, 2013, Evidence that biometallic mineral precipitation enhances the complex conductivity response at a hydrocarbon contaminated site, J. Appl. Geophys. 98 113–123. 23. Moidaki M., S.S. Gao, K.H Liu, and E. Atekwana 2013, Crustal thickness and moho sharpness beneath the Mid Continent Rift from receiver functions, Research in Geophysics, doi: 10.4081/rg.2013.e1. 24. Pashin, J. C., 2013, Unconventional energy resources: 2013 review—Coalbed methane: Natural Resources Research. 25. Pashin, J.C., M.R. McIntyre-Redden, S.D. Mann, D.C. Kopaska-Merkel, M. Varonka, and W. Oremet ,2013, Relationships between water and gas chemistry in mature coalbed methane reservoirs of the BlackWarrior Basin, Int. J. Coal Geol.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2013.10.002. 26. Puckette, J., M. Musa, D. Boardman and W. L. Watney, 2013, Lithologic, biogenic and geochemical indicators of water chemistry during deposition of the Woodford Shale, KGS-OGS Current #1, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma: Mid-Continent Core Workshop,From Source to Reservoir to Seal, Kansas Geological Survey/Kansas Geological Society, p. 215-225. 27. Quan, T. M., Adigwe, E. N., Riedinger, N., and Puckette, J. 2013, Evaluating nitrogen isotopes as proxies for depositional environmental conditions in shales: Comparing Caney and Woodford Shales in the Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma. Chemical Geology, 360-361C, 231-240; doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.10.017. 28. Quan, T. M., Wright, J. D. and Falkowski, P. G. 2013, Co-variation of nitrogen isotopes and redox states through glacialinterglacial cycles in the Black Sea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (112), 305-320. 29. Rittgers J. B., A. Revil, M. Karaoulis, M. A. Mooney, L.D. Slater, and E.A. Atekwana 2013, 4D inversion of self-potential signals generated by the corrosion of buried metallic objects, Geophysics, 48 (5), doi:10.1190/GEO2013-0033.1. 30. Slater, L., and E. Atekwana 2013,Geophysical Signatures of Subsurface Microbial Processes, Eos Trans. AGU, 94(8), 77DOI: 10.1002/2013EO080001 31. Tarek I. Anan, G. M. Grammer, Adam El Shahat, Adel M. Genedi, and Essam F. Sharaf, 2013, Depositional History, Facies and Sequence Architecture of the Raha and Abu Qada Formations (Cenomanian-Turonian), West Central Sinai, Egypt, Journal of African Earth Sciences, v. 82, p. 54-69. 32. Thomas, J., T. Ivey and J. Puckette, 2013, Where is Earth science? Mining for opportunities in chemistry, physics and biology: Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 61, p.113-119. 33. Workman, S. and G.M. Grammer, 2013, Integrating Depositional Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy in Characterizing Unconventional Reservoirs: Eagle Ford Shale, South Texas, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 63, p. 473-508. NEW GRANTS 2013 1. PI/PDs Puckette (lead), J. Pashin (Geology), K. Gasem, P. Clark, S. Mohamed (Chemical Engineering), J. White (Chemistry) P. Walsh (Mechanical Engineering-University of Alabama Birmingham). Petrophysics and Tight Rock Characteristics for the Application of Improved Stimulation and Production Technology in Shale. Sponsor: Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America (RPSEA). $1,529,702. 2. PI/PDs Grammer (lead), J. Puckette, P. Jaoswal, J. Gregg, D. Boardman II. Comprehensive Study of the Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Diagenesis of the Mississippian Carbonates of the Southern Mid-Continent. Sponsor: Industry Consortium. $840,000. 3. PI/PD Pashin. Surface and Airborne Monitoring Technology for Detecting Geologic Leakage in a CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery Pilot, Anadarko Basin, Texas. Sponsor: U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory. $2,274,602.