Microsoft Word - Final_OSU Geology_Newsletter 2013.docx

3 Geology Field Camp, May & June 2012 By Jim Puckette The 2012 field camp was blessed with dry and mild weather. We would have welcomed precipitation in any form to help mitigate the effects of drought in the southern Rockies. Enrollment in 2012 was capped at sixty students and camp filled in late 2011. Students from fifteen different colleges and universities attended including twenty seven from OSU, and thirty three from the other fourteen schools, which included Appalachian State, Arkansas Tech, Georgia Southern, Grand Valley State, James Madison, Midwestern State, Montclair, Purdue, Texas A&M Corpus Christi, Tarleton State, University of Northern Iowa, University of Texas Dallas, University of Tennessee Kingsville, and University of Texas San Antonio. Our outstanding teaching assistants were Ms. Sahar Mohammadi, Andrew Snider and Andrew Katumwehe. Our camp maintenance man was Jumping Jack Colpitt named for his constantly high energy level. Jack and Anne Miller wrote and performed a ballad extolling the many positive aspects of field camp. Tim Sickbert served again as our capable medical officer and fortunately only had to deal with minor complaints. Our two capable cooks, Ms. Michelle Leach and Jana Van Pelt, kept the kitchen running smoothly and provided tasty, healthy and filling meals. Michelle and Jan were assisted by Jack Colpitt and Ms. Lauren Guidry, whose skills as a dishwasher will serve her well if she decides geoscience is not her chosen profession. Fulltime faculty were Chester Wallace, a retired Colorado mapper, Rick Hobbs, Amarillo College, George Bolling, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs and Jim Puckette. Ms. Tiny Striegel of Canon City, our benefactor and camp Grande Dame, graced us weekly to visit with the staff and students and read her poetry. Tiny as expected, was her usual charming self and quickly embraced by the new students. Field projects in 2012 included Phantom Canyon/Gnat Hollow, Grape Creek, Mixing Bowl, Big Orange, Red Canyon Park, Blue Ridge and Twin Mountain. Under the guidance of Andrew Katumwehe and Tim Sickbert, the geophysical exercise concentrated on imaging the alluvial aquifer along Eightmile Creek where it crosses the camp property. Field trips included Cripple Creek and Victor, Pikes Peak, Great Sand Dunes National Park, and Leadville. For