Microsoft Word - Final_OSU Geology_Newsletter 2013.docx

14 student-technology-fee grant to upgrade a lecture hall in the Noble Research Center (NRC108) to reduce the lecture load in our teaching labs. This would provide a more suitable venue for lectures and also allow students more time and flexibility in the labs. The Field Camp Class of 2012 was a great group to work with and—aside from ongoing drought—the weather was most cooperative. With a cabin roof damaged by a falling limb during the off-season, Dr. Puckette demonstrated how much roof maintenance can be achieved with pieces of lost cabins salvaged from the creek, along with a bit of creative engineering. Although I am now somewhat trained, I hope that any limbs that do fall miss the cabins. A Message From the Geology Advisory Board Chair Fellow Cowboys and Cowgirls, Let me first start by thanking the faculty, Eliot Atekwana - Interim Head of the Department, Bret Danilowicz - Dean of Arts and Sciences, OSU Foundation, Mr. Boone Pickens, the Geology Advisory Board and the Executive Committee for all of their hard work, collaboration, energy and commitment to continue to move the Boone Pickens School of Geology (BPSG) forward toward the goal of making the Boone Pickens School of Geology one of the top institutions in the areas of energy and environment. It has been a tremendously rewarding experience and an honor to serve as your Chairman. I have been fortunate to get to work with a very talented and passionate group of people. Our Advisory Board has been very busy throughout the year in what has turned out to be a somewhat unique time. This year we have seen a change in leadership in both the College of Arts and Sciences and the Boone Pickens School of Geology, and a change in our liaison to OSU Foundation. The new Dean of Arts and Sciences, Bret Danilowicz, has hit the ground running. He is bringing new ideas and a "can do" attitude while working with the BPSG and Advisory Board to find creative solutions to address some of our issues. One of those issues being the vacant Department Head position. While we are in the process of actively searching for a new Head of the Department, Eliot Atekwana has become interim Department Head. He has brought a new perspective and has taken up the challenge to continue to progress the department. This year we are excited to see the culmination of years of work with the arrival of 4 new faculty members. We are already starting to see some benefits from these talented individuals. Our Board has accomplished many joint objectives with the BPSG including initiating the Mississippian Consortium, the 2nd running of Bring a Cowboy to Work program, and the continued progress of the Strategic Plan. We also continue to support the BPSG through fundraising campaigns to fund the Department's many needs. Our Advisory Board has not only become the envy of other OSU departments but is also becoming the envy of other geology departments. I continue to be amazed at the passion and generosity our alumni have toward OSU and the BPSG. Our alums are truly a special group. While we have made strong strides toward our goals and there are numerous accomplishments to be proud of, there is still a significant amount of work to be done. I encourage you to become an active member of the Advisory Board and to become involved with the many exciting things going on in the BPSG. Our Advisory Board has come a long way through the commitment of a small group of the geology alums (<10%) being actively involved. We can use your help, your ideas and your energy. If you are attending the Annual banquet on April 6th please consider coming to the annual Advisory Board meeting from 12-3pm that day at the Noble Research Center. As always if you have any questions feel free to contact me at In closing, I want to thank Jason Caniglia, ex-OSU Foundation, for his years of work and dedication to the Advisory Board and the Boone Pickens School of Geology. His always optimistic outlook and camaraderie will be missed. Sincerely, Rick Ely