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The accreditation followed a yearlong self-study by OSUMA, capped by a three-day virtual site visit. During this same period — at the height of pandemic restrictions — the museum continued to provide art access through modified exhibition tours, outdoor art activities and take-home art kits. “We realized early on, even before the pandemic, that we could provide a free, open space for creativity,” Ihde said, noting that their free Second Saturday events are especially popular with families. “This has taken many forms over the years, developing and growing as we have developed and grown, but we’ve made a conscious effort to get art in front of diverse audiences. “Not that long ago, if you wanted to go to a museum, you had to go to Tulsa or Oklahoma City. And not only was that Stillwater, it was surrounding towns like Perkins, Yale, Cushing, Ponca City, so we bring it home for people ... and hopefully prompt lifelong learning and appreciation of art.” With 10 years under its figurative belt, the OSU Museum of Art is looking toward the future. Although there’s limited capacity for collecting more art — the vault isn’t infinite, and donors have been generous — OSUMA staff see it as “an opportunity to explore the permanent collection and bring in traveling exhibitions that serve the interests of academic programs and the community,” Berry said. “The provost and the president are working toward strengthening the arts at OSU through collaborative programming and making connections across the curriculum and into the community. We expect the museum will play a large role in this goal to make the arts a permanent feature of the OSU experience.” Scan to watch exclusive content about OSUMA. Carla Shelton has myriad responsibilities as the OSU Museum of Art’s interim director, including overseeing the museum’s permanent collection. OSU Museum of Art FAST FACTS Admission is always free! OSU students serve as tour guides, assistant preparators and occasionally help curate exhibitions. The museum’s permanent collection can be explored virtually through its Online Collections Database. Stillwater-born artist Yatika Starr Fields painted a mural inside the museum during the Postal Plaza Building’s renovation. OSUMA education staff visit K-12 classrooms and host hundreds of students annually at the museum. OSU COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 5