Connect 2024

“Some of the freedoms of being a young museum is getting to explore and find ourselves,” Shelton said. “Some institutions are steeped in tradition and bound by different ties, but we’ve been allowed to experiment.” Shelton and Ihde noted past exhibitions that included performance artists, immersive projections, blow-up art, extensive community engagement, interactive elements and more. Over the years, the museum’s growing collection and widening network paved the way for shows featuring artists like Robert Rauschenberg, James Rosenquist and Kiki Smith. In 2017, the museum showcased works from the George R. Kravis II Collection, which was gifted to OSU the next year. In 2021, OSU faculty worked with the museum to create the first exhibition of work by Doel Reed, a renowned artist and former OSU professor. And in 2023, the museum curated a Leon Polk Smith show exploring the Oklahoma-born artist’s abstract style alongside 20th-century design. “Collectively, we have made experiences for our audiences more like a New York moment,” Berry said. “We had to build our facility and staff capacity to handle and present the art at the standard of practice required. ... The success of the museum and the support of the community and campus made way for the arts to flourish at OSU.” While there is a long list of museum highlights over the past 10 years, one accomplishment is especially gratifying for the staff: In July 2021, OSUMA received accreditation by the American Alliance of Museums, which is the highest national recognition given to U.S. museums. “We took the museum from 10% to 100% in nine years by achieving accreditation from AAM. This is no small feat,” Berry said. “We acquired this status through hard work, the quality and collective experience of our team, and the overwhelming support of university leadership and our community.” The Postal Plaza building that now houses the OSU Museum of Art was built with U.S. Government Treasury funds in 1933 to serve as a federal post office. Bill Goldston and Ann and Burns Hargis were instrumental in the OSU Museum of Art’s establishment and growth. 4 CONNECT 2024