Connect 2024

enough people who shared the vision and wanted to work together.” As the team continued its work using a CAS Community Engagement Grant, more CAS faculty and graduate students came on board to teach courses. The departments of Psychology, Mathematics, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, English, and Political Science have gotten involved to add further instructor support. “My work in the jail has reminded me that, for all of the advances we have made in pedagogy and software, the most productive classrooms are made so by the connections that spark between students and teachers,” said Dr. Howard Sanborn, professor and head of the Department of Political Science. “If students know that their instructors care about them and their learning, and instructors know that the students are working with them earnestly to solve problems, then a lot of good work can be done to further the personal development of all involved.” While the classroom setting might be non-traditional, the impact faculty are having on their incarcerated students is measurable. To date, CCEOK “I am thankful for every teacher who came and spent time giving me an education. I couldn’t have asked for a better way to do my time. Now, I can make sure all the time I’m doing isn’t a waste, and I leave here with the skills for a better future.” HUNTER DUNAGAN THE FIRST TO RECEIVE A DIPLOMA THROUGH THE PROGRAM has administered 28 subject area tests, resulting in a nearly 65% pass rate. “The national average pass rate for this test is around 77%,” Weinland said. “We only spend two hours a week with our students, and the testing environment inside the facility isn’t ideal. It is noisy and distracting for testtakers. I’m proud of our pass rate.” In 2024, the team started furnishing the male inmate pod with paper course materials and test prep books. “We and the jail staff do not currently have the resources to offer in-person Sister Catherine Martinez of Catholic Charities and Dr. Kathryn Weinland prepare to distribute subject area tests to inmates. OSU COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 25