Connect 2024

Dear CAS alumni, colleagues, students and friends, It is a true pleasure and honor to be crafting this letter at the beginning of my time as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. CAS is an incredibly special place, one where the promise of the land-grant institution is fully realized. I recognized that the moment I met with the search committee, made up of faculty across the college who were engaged, friendly and a true testament to the ethos of the servant-leader that embodies Oklahoma State’s values. It was further cemented when I visited Stillwater and met with Provost Jeanette Mendez, President Kayse Shrum and the campus community, including amazing CAS student representatives. We came together to break bread and share experiences, which gave me the chance to discuss my goals to help support students, faculty and staff in realizing our mission to become the preeminent land-grant College of Arts and Sciences in alignment with the university’s strategic plan. This past year, CAS faculty, staff and leadership collaborated to develop the college strategic plan that centers the arts and sciences at the heart of OSU. The university plan leverages the institution’s strengths to serve the needs of the state, deliver an impactful and affordable student experience, and solve the challenges we face in Oklahoma and around the world. Similarly, our college plan harnesses inherent CAS strengths to:  Prioritize student success, broadly and holistically defined, through dedicated faculty and staff;  Develop innovative curricula and foundational courses that engage learners in transdisciplinary modes to best prepare for the challenges that an increasingly globalized world presents;  Advance the research enterprise through increased focus on extramural funding, early career awards, outreach about our research and an emphasis on transdisciplinary work;  Build on the outward-facing Extension work we are already undertaking to engage more fully with our community, from the local to the global, and amplify opportunities in that space. This work fills my heart with joy, and I am thrilled to be joining OSU CAS at this important moment. What a truly vibrant and exciting time to be a Poke! I would be remiss if I did not take a moment to extend deep thanks to Dr. Keith Garbutt, who took on the role of interim dean and shepherded CAS through the strategic planning process. His belief in the centrality of the arts and sciences in the landgrant mission, his passion for the liberal arts and his generous spirit shaped his work as interim dean, and we are so grateful for his leadership. Finally, thanks to all of you for your continued support of the College of Arts and Sciences at Oklahoma State. We could not dream as big as we are dreaming without you! GO POKES! Dr. Melinda A. Cro Dean, College of Arts and Sciences FROM THE DEAN’S OFFICE PHOTO JASON WALLACE