OSU COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SC I ENCES 17 Fennell said. “She was able to pick this up right away.” Bias’ research within the College of Arts and Sciences assisted her in being named OSU’s 30th Goldwater Scholar. The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation is a prestigious award that was established by Congress in 1986 to further assist future generations of researchers. Out of 1,242 applicants and 433 institutions, Bias was selected as a recipient. The Goldwater Scholarship opens many doors to Bias as a researcher. She first applied at the institutional level. Bias was then selected to attend a retreat in Taos, New Mexico, funded by OSU. Bias and her fellowOSU students who were selected to apply at the national level spent a few days working on applications. She was able to receive help and feedback from previous Goldwater Scholars or other members of OSU staff. “I don’t think I would have been competitive for the scholarship if I would not have had that,” Bias said. “I think that is why Oklahoma State historically has such a good record of Goldwater Scholars.” After graduation in the spring of 2023, Bias plans to attend the University of Cambridge on behalf of her W.W. Allen Scholarship. Bias will spend one year at Cambridge and become a Master of Philosophy. She plans to let her time abroad determine what the next steps in her career will be. To utilize her three majors, Bias said that she would like to look at the way foreign policy is made through a lens with math and science. The idea of law school was mentioned, but Bias said she may just do research forever because of her love for it. Most of Bias’ research has been completed through CAS. She said that the college has paired her with amazing faculty members to assist in her academics and research. “They are so supportive, which is typical of the Cowboy family,” Bias said. “The professors are there for me as a human first and as a student second.” Alexandra Bias is an OSU senior majoring in chemical engineering, mathematics and political science.