“Our opera faculty, Professors Steve Sanders and April Golliver-Mohiuddin, began the Pokes’ Pop-Up Performance Series, which includes a large flat-bed trailer that is appropriately outfitted with a stage setup and a power generator to allow for live outdoor performances anywhere we can park a trailer,” Loeffert said, adding that venues spanned fromHideaway Pizza to the Lowe’s parking lot. “When our students look back at this year, they will remember instructors who were committed to helping them achieve at their maximum potential despite the difficult circumstances,” Loeffert continued. “Really, what better lesson could there be? We do not find a path to success —we create a path to success. Our aim is to serve our students, and even a pandemic will not stop us frommeeting our instructional mission.” STUDENTS’ TAKE While CAS faculty and staff were instrumental in ensuring the mitigation of COVID cases while continuing research and instruction, the college’s students valiantly adapted to changes as well. Jacob Burch-Konda, a cell and molecular biology master’s student fromKingsburg, California, took his lead fromDr. Tyrell Conway, head of the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics. “He mentioned that our department should serve as kind of a role model for the campus community when it came to following COVID-19 precautions,” Burch-Konda said, citing the professors’ and students’ relevant knowledge of pathogens. “I think we definitely delivered on that.” Burch-Konda’s research on calcium signaling in the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa was one of many experiments across campus that couldn’t be put on hold, which motivated him to stay healthy and forge ahead with the work regardless of the obstacles. “We had a culture of trying to minimize risk and protecting those around us,” Burch-Konda said. “This pandemic has taught me that students and professors are quite resilient and can work through almost any challenge. It’s encouraging to know that our studies and research didn’t have to come to a complete halt even under these crazy circumstances. After working through COVID-19, I think I’m more confident that I can tackle any tough scenario down the road.” Megan Hays fromBartlesville, Oklahoma, shares that conviction. The triple major in chemistry, psychology and biochemistry wasn’t thrown by the physical distancing in the lab where she worked to replicate an organic synthesis and then isolate compounds — “We’re already decently spread out,” she said — but the limited interactions with advisors proved challenging. “We could only contact our advisor through email … so the graduate students really banded together to help each other and me in identifying the issues and offering solutions,” Hays said. “I developed more confidence in the lab. Since there wasn’t always someone in the lab to help, I had to trust myself to make the right decision and go through with it.” As a researcher who could do most of her work from home, mass communications graduate student Kelli Norton wasn’t as significantly affected by the pandemic restrictions. The Bixby, Oklahoma, native utilized video conferencing with her team of Media Ecology and Strategic Analysis (MESA) Group researchers as they analyzed interviews and articles, noting that the distance actually brought them closer together. “Because we were separated, we had to make an effort to make time to help each other,” Norton said. “When we were able to meet safely, it was special. You could tell we wanted each other to succeed. When you are in a research group like MESA, everyone wants the project to do well. Everyone is walking toward the same goal.” The idea of a shared goal also translates to the hundreds of students and professors within the 24 departments of the College of Arts and Sciences. Although the pandemic is not yet over, the lessons learned during the first 18 months promise to continue into the future. “I think we’ve become more understanding as teachers and students,” Cook said. “College is hard enough without having to deal with a pandemic. ... I think students sometimes forget that we, as faculty, want our students to learn and to be successful. We’ve come to understand that things aren’t going to be perfect, but putting in the effort is worth it, and nowwe know we can get through anything.” OSU COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SC I ENCES 27