“The COVID- 19 pandemic had a profound effect on every aspect of music instruction,” said Greenwood School of Music director Dr. Jeffrey Loeffert, who worked with CAS leadership to procure funding and equipment that helped the department’s unique teaching situations. “I mostly feel very lucky that no Greenwood School of Music students, staff or faculty became severely ill as a result of COVID-19. …We must be committed to taking the lessons learned during this period to ensure that we are more capable and efficient than we were previously, and we are poised to do that. We can and are doing things that we did not think possible even a year ago.” Because the Greenwood School of Music has such an outward-facing presence, with regular concerts and performances open to the public, Loeffert and his department got creative with how that visibility could continue. They partnered with OState.TV to livestream concerts, continued developing the Greenwood School of Music app and found a way to do some in-person performances. Dr. Jeffrey Loeffert 26 CONNECT 202 1