Nathan Dice Ph.D. | Physics Third Year Twin Falls, ID How did you get started researching ? My path to physics began while I was deployed with the Marines, reading works by great physicists during down time. After noticing the interfering waves in the wakes of two warships, I realized that I wanted to expand my physics knowledge. I met my advisor, Dr. David McIlroy, during my second week of college. I began working on a project involving IED detection technology, which held special meaning for me — some friends had sustained IED injuries. I came to OSU with Dr. McIlroy to start my Ph.D. Research Impacts I am seeking to develop novel 2D lenses in the field of non-linear optics. I am exploring new configurations of a substance made up of gold and silicon. I am exploring the energetics that led to meso-textured materials, then developing their optical properties. Recent Research Activities I have one manuscript nearly ready for submission and another in preparation. We have a provisional patent filed on the metalens material produced in our lab. I also recently presented at the American Physical Society’s Texas Division virtual conference. Future Plans I would like to get a job at Idaho National Laboratories as an applied physicist. I would also like to offer physics outreach in rural communities. I was in college when I took my first physics course. I think we can do better to bring physics to children sooner. Emily Duncan Master | History Third Year (Final) Edgewood, NM How did you get started researching ? I started as a Freshman Research Scholar and completed three Wentz Grant projects while I was an undergraduate at OSU. I am thankful that I applied for those grants because they allowed me to develop valuable research skills early on, as well as narrow down my research interests. Research Impacts Currently, I focus on women’s experiences in the post- removal Choctaw female education system (1831- 1861). This important topic shows the agency of the Choctaw people to invest in their children’s future and strengthen their nation in their new lands. My research advisor is Dr. Laura Arata. Recent Research Activities I recently defended my master’s thesis, which I am really proud of. I am hoping to turn one of the chapters into a published article. Future Plans I love history, and I intend to continue research. Next, I am excited to spend time in student affairs as an admissions counselor. I will be helping students start strong and pursue their dreams. 20 CONNECT 202 1