NAMING THE DONORS Along with the Greenwoods, spaces in the building are named for these donors:  Edward E. and Helen T. Bartlett Foundation  Jonathan Drummond  Malinda Berry Fischer and Dick Fischer  Inasmuch Foundation  Caroline and John Linehan  Judy and Richard Edmonson  OSU Friends of Music  Jan and Kirk Jewell  Betsy and Doug Koontz  Pam and Gary Lanman  K. John Lee family  Diane and Richard Buchanan  Ken Corbett  Shari and Chuck Darr  Sissy and Bob Gabriel  Barbara Gabriel George  Julie and Glen Krutz  Lisbeth and Gaute Vik  Mike Bode and Preston Carrier  Dawn and Blake Forcina  Diane Staines and R.E. Graalman Jr.  Pamela Montemurro-Reding and Christopher A. Reding  Pat & Roger Tucker  OSU Band Alumni Group  OSU Choir Alumni Group  Music Education Alumni Group The Greenwood School wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible level of personal investments by alumni and leadership. It is thanks to these remarkable supporters that this facility can cultivate and ensure the success of OSU’s performing arts. “It was our hope that we could provide the lead and others would follow ... and did they ever!” the Greenwoods said. “We cannot ever properly thank the donors who stepped in with their support. This is without a doubt a group effort, and it’s all for the students. We could not be more happy and proud to have made a difference for OSU.” “It was our hope that we could provide the lead and others would follow ... and did they ever!” MICHAEL AND ANNE GREENWOOD OSU COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SC I ENCES 15