AHappy Tune New Greenwood School of Music building opens on campus T hey are performing a new song of joy at Oklahoma State University’s newest addition, the Greenwood School of Music building. This state-of-the-art facility, attached to The McKnight Center for the Performing Arts, is among the finest performing arts complexes in the nation. “The Greenwood School of Music building significantly elevates the stature of our program and positively impacts every facet of teaching, learning and performing,” said Dr. Jeffrey Loeffert, a professor and director of the Michael and Anne Greenwood School of Music. “The attention to acoustical detail in the facility is truly remarkable,” he said. For example, every instructional room was designed to optimize the acoustics via sound paneling, curtains, angular walls and floated floors. “Aside from being an aesthetically beautiful building, it is also among the most functional and sophisticated music schools in the nation,” Loeffert added. Students have access to three large ensemble rehearsal rooms, two classrooms, a chamber music room, a seminar room, a percussion instructional suite, 34 instructional studios and 25 practice rooms. In addition, the Greenwood School of Music also boasts a media lab, a recording studio and two digital audio workstations. Further adding to its appeal, this facility was designed to stand the test of time and should provide students with adequate facilities for music education for many years down the road. “Through visionary spaces like the recording studio, the media lab and the digital audio workstations, we can ensure that our students will be prepared to meet the ever-changing STORY KELLI NORTON | PHOTOS JASON WALLACE landscape of the workforce in the performing arts,” Loeffert said. “We will also uphold scholarly excellence through state-of-the-art classrooms, a seminar room, in-house academic advisor offices and an in-house music library.” Michael and Anne Greenwood were inspired to make the lead gift for the building because they are all about helping students. And they are thrilled with how the facility that bears their name turned out. “At last, students and faculty alike have a space worthy of their great talent,” the Greenwoods said. “Beck Design made a beautiful building plan and despite a pandemic, it all came together beautifully! Much was done by those who worked hard to get this building finished. It allows so much more for the students and faculty. And as a bonus, it’s attached to The McKnight Center for the Performing Arts, which is ideal!” 14 CONNECT 202 1