Connect 2020

FAST FACTS The College of Arts and Sciences CAS continues to be OSU’s largest college. Our students make up more than 24 percent of OSU’s Fall 2020 enrollees, and more than 45 percent of all OSU credit hours are in CAS. We added four new majors and 13 minors across the college. Incoming CAS freshmen scored higher than their peers across the class on the ACT (25.6 vs. 24.7) and SAT (1173 vs. 1142), and have higher high school GPAs (3.69 vs. 3.62). Student Achievements In 2019-20, 13 of 41 Seniors of Significance and four of 16 Outstanding Seniors were CAS students. Double-major Kayla Dunn (multimedia journalism and Spanish) was one of just 190 national Truman Scholar finalists in 2019. The OSU Symphony Orchestra was one of two orchestras selected from 300 auditioning groups to perform at the 2020 College Orchestra Directors Association National Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia. Kayla Dunn 34 CONNECT 2020