Connect 2020

Tamey Anglley B.A. Music ’01, M.M. ’03 Alex Bagby B.S. Statistical Mathematics ’83 Ruth Baruth B.S. Sociology ’73, M.S. Psychology ’75 Frank Bright Ph.D. Chemistry ’85 Tom Brown M.A. History ’71, Ph.D. History ’74 Martha Burger B.S. Medical Technology ’73 Greg Casillas B.S. Geology ’83 Val Castor B.S. Geography ’85 Peter Exline B.S. Philosophy ’69 Bernard Fuemmeler M.S. Psychology ’98, Ph.D. Psychology ’01 Scott L. Huston B.S. History ’76 Bob Martin B.S. Computer Science ’92, MBA ’97 Ronda Chapman McKown B.S. SMSC ’89 Julie Nash B.A. English ’91 Alan Prather M.S. Botany ’90 Ron Schaefer B.S. Communication Disorders ’72 Michelle Shinn B.S. Physics ’78, M.S. Physics ’80, Ph.D. Physics ’83 Dana Stone B.A. German ’78, B.A. French ’78 David Swank B.A. Political Science ’53 James Truscott B.S. Hotel and Restaurant Administration ’62 Clay Turner BFA Graphic Design ’80 RISING STAR Brent Butcher B.S. Sociology ’09 Maddy Cunningham B.S. Multimedia Journalism ’16, B.A. Theatre ’16 DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI OSU COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 25