Kylie Hagerdon utilized Career Services and the pre-professional office to choose the right path for her future as a physician. increasing access to health care. One of her goals is to show people how to find resources for health care. She also hopes to help people who have felt discrimination, giving them equal access to care. “It’s important that I have equal access and be welcoming for my patients.” Hagerdon said. “I’m going to be in school for a long time, and that’s OK. I am looking forward to getting to a point where I can help people more than just physically. I want to heal physically and mentally.” Although she has a long road ahead of her, the OSU family believes she can make her goals a reality. “Kylie is the full package and OUMedical will be lucky to have her,” McIlroy said. “If future students can emulate her, the sky’s the limit.” OSU COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SC I ENCES 21