Relating to Relationships and Society New sociology head says field opens the door to understanding T amara Mix, Ph.D., believes most people would find sociology fascinating if they understood it. The new head of Oklahoma State University’s Department of Sociology is happy to explain the discipline, her passion for it evident in her voice. “We are interested in studying human relationships and the social structures that result from those relationships,” Mix said. “As sociologists, we consider group dynamics, group behaviors and relationships with larger social structures such as our educational system or our STORY JACOB LONGAN | PHOTO JASON WALLACE government system. Many sociologists focus on application — considering howwe can employ sociological theories and methods to understand and at times make positive change in the world around us.” TomWikle, Ph.D., is the associate dean of academic programs for the College of Arts and Sciences. He is “excited to see Dr. Mix step up to lead” the department she first joined in 2005. “Dr. Mix is an award-winning instructor and environmental sociologist whose fieldwork has 8 CONNECT 201 9