Several departments in Oklahoma State University’s College of Arts and Sciences have gained new chiefs in the last year. On the pages ahead, you’ll meet them and learnmore about their plans, dreams and passions. Christopher Francisco was recently promoted to head of the Department of Mathematics. He will continue to help his department lead cooperative efforts to improve how mathematics is taught at all levels throughout Oklahoma. Page 8 Alyson Greiner took over as head of the Department of Geography in January. She will be presiding as the school increases its offerings with two new undergraduate degrees: bachelor’s in geospatial information science and in global studies. Page 12 Ramesh Kaipa has taken over the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. His department trains undergraduates in the in-depth study of normal speech, language, and hearing processes, and a background orientation to disorders of communication. Page 14 Farida Jalalzai is now head of OSU’s Department of Political Science. She is looking forward to keeping her department a center for discussing diversity issues and an open environment to debate the latest issues of the day. Page 17 Camelia C. Knapp is leading the Boone Pickens School of Geology. Her department is known for its research applied to the petroleum industry as well as environmental and water resources problems. Page 20 OSU COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SC I ENCES 7