Uniting research and teaching Kristen A. Baum joined the Department of Integrative Biology in 2005. She is also co-director of OSUTeach, a collaboration between CAS and the OSU College of Education, Health and Aviation that allows science and math majors to earn teaching licenses and prepare to become secondary- education teachers. She earned a doctorate in entomology and a master’s in wildlife and fisheries sciences, both at Texas A&M. She also has a bachelor’s from the College of William andMary. She is a prolific researcher, with most of her work focused on the effects of land use and management practice on pollinators—bees and butterflies, including the monarchs that migrate through Oklahoma annually. “Throughout her career, she has prioritized involving students in research, and erasing the line between research and teaching,” Mendez said. “She is constantly thinking about how to advance the students’ experience here. We are going to grow by taking her expertise and applying it at the college level.” Baum, who has successfully secured research funding frommany agencies, is working to streamline the grant-application process for new faculty. She is also coordinating resources such as information about which faculty have submitted proposals to which agencies. “There is a lot that goes into creating successful proposals, and every agency has its own unique rules,” Baum said. “I enjoy helping faculty succeed at navigating all of that. A lot of times, we recreate the wheel in the proposal process, which is not necessary if we are communicating.” She is also overseeing the implementation of new programs Mendez started as associate dean, such as mentoring for incoming faculty. “I would have been more hesitant to leave that role if it weren’t for my confidence in Kristen,” Mendez said. “We got some things started on the right path, and she has the ability to build on that.” Building on a successful foundation is exactly what Mendez, Belmonte and Baumwill be doing, along with the rest of the college. “It’s important that people know that we are here and accessible, even during this period of transition,” Mendez said. “We want to be responsive and help every department’s students, faculty and staff succeed. We won’t lose focus on the initiatives we have in place. We will use this year to make sure things are working as intended and make adjustments where necessary.” FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT CAS.OKSTATE.EDU Kristen A. Baum OSU COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SC I ENCES 5